California Orange video review
Yes you guessed it lol, another amazing strain from loudnco. This one smelled like oranges and tasted sweet and tangy it was fun to smoke. Nugs looked really nice and were dense.

This was definitely one of my fav’s to vape..very distinct creamy orange! Smelled so clean and fresh
@superman38NC yeah I only grabbed a 3.5 of this. Huge mistake. It really was some top smelling bud the high was amazing too. put me to sleep eventually after a fun high. The highlight was the smell though, i kept opening the bag to sniff it. amazing stuff pure oranges
i wish I had more of this legit that smell alone is so amazing
smell is underrated; i absolutely love when a type of bud has a strong, complex smell.. this looks super!
@v32Finish smell is number 2 for me close after look