Edibles do they work?
I have heard that edibles do not work on some people. For me I have had edibles that have given me a great time and even made me faint once, (which was my first time ever fainting) but the edibles from both loud and med mama have NOT worked. I have taken (4) 25mg from the old med mama and (5) 50mg from loud with not a single effect or feeling. I have recently had a friend give me two 10mg gummies from CO and I did feel an effect from that, (not as much as some others). I can’t believe that edibles from this site don’t work when the bud and vape and wax has been good.
Edibles never do anything for me. They never have. Every now and then I would have one that seemed like it almost did something that almost felt like a little buzz, but that's about it. Most of the time, nothing. If that's been your experience too then yeah you're probs just one of those unlucky people!
In my experience, edibles hit everyone differently. I’ve known people with high tolerances that get rocked by edibles, and I’ve known people with low tolerances that they don’t do a thing. It’s honestly all up to you and how well you do with them. I recommend trying taking them on an empty stomach and to not smoke beforehand. I’ve heard people say “smoking helps activate them” but that’s never been the case for me
I eat about 30mg of some gummies I get locally and feel pretty buzzed. I grabbed a few of the 25 mg gum drops from Mama here last year and needed 50-75 mg of those to really feel it but I ate a single 25mg Jolly chip I got as a freebie one time and that hit me hard. I have friends who can eat 5-10mg and be rocked and others who say they have eaten 100+ and not felt a thing. I guess the point is that YMMV and body chemistry and edible doses vary.
Things that can make edibles work include eating fat/a fatty meal 2 hours before, Tums, sodium citrate, MCT oil, lechitin and other secrets...
I take the edible gummies and my dosage is 35mg or so. When I take the gum drops which are my favorite I take about 25-50mg. I also smoke but the edibles have helped me smoke less
I don't get anything from edibles less than 500mg. Dono why. Sucks because it makes it expensive and if I could use 5mg like everybody else they would last me forever
The 1 thing that helps edibles work for me is taking them on an empty tummy.
Although, my tummy isn't a normal one as I have had 85% removed with gastric sleeve surgery 8 years ago.
Love all the comments. Thanks. Really helps. Felt like I was getting ripped off at one time. Like the comment about needing more then 500mg to feel anything. Maybe that’s me. I have like maybe 300mg left. Maybe I will take them all and see what happens but yay I can’t afford to buy 300 or 500mg one dose.