Double OG CHEM....question on current batch quality

Good day, mainly request/question for Happy trees but feel free to chime in if you have purchased in the last 30 days. I am looking for some good OG chem/Pine smelling flower. 1st how is the smell and cure on the current batch of Double og chem?

Also same for mountain dew mouth?
I am asking because I recently have gotten strains claimed to be very heavy on the nose etc from other vendors, and what I got was not that. My last order from you guys @HappyTrees was the smelliest flowers I have had In a long time, so thanks for killing on that part, I left reviews for both if others are interested (jet fuel and gas candy) hoping for the same on one of these two mentioned above. Thanks in advance!


  • The batch I received about a month ago (double og chem) was nice but barely had any aroma.
    I too get disappointed when a description doesn't match the product.

  • The mountain dew mouth smells very good. Strong particular smell. Very citrusy (almost like the xj13 from a while ago but more lime than lemon in my opinion) got it a while back and I enjoyed it a lot

  • @Hideurself hey buddy, am the same way if flower doesn't smell strong i stay away from it I wont my to burn your nose

  • @Pfenn thank you so much! G13 is one of my all time favs. Had some last week across country and it brought back old school lemon pine haze from high school lmao. Hard to find now. Most look great now but definitely lack in the smell and flavor department. Sad earthy used to be called dirt weed, not a flavor profile lol but I guess everything needs a propper unoffensive pronoun these days.

  • "Does the smell of cannabis have anything to do with its potency?

    The short answer is no.

    I will define “potency” as the content of THC/CBD.

    The chemical compounds that give weed its smell are known as terpenes. Terpenes are also what give fruits, vegetables, and other fragrant plants their characteristic odor. Examples include pinene in pine trees, limonene in lemons, or linalool in lavender; all of which are also found in Cannabis.
    During my time at that lab, the very “skunky” weed was usually fairly potent, averaging at around 20% THC, which is fairly potent to the average user, even here in California. However,>>>>>> I have also tested very smelly weed to find out it has less than 12% THC.

    This is in contrast to the less-smelly weed . The smell depends on the growing, trimming, curing, and storing process among all things. If very dank weed was poorly packaged, it might lose its smell (terpenes) overtime, but not necessarily its potency (cannabinoids).

    Summary: Smelly weed can be low potency, non-smelly weed can be high potency, and vice versa with everything in between."

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