Package shipping time ⏳

Anyone else’s packages taking longer than usual or is it just me ?


  • I can tell you that my packages not from here have been taking forever. Had a few stuck in sorting facilities for days. It's not Medman in my situation, it's USPS. The package from Medman was super fast

  • @CJM
    How long was it till you were informed a label was created if I may ask ?
    I recently made a order and it’s been 5 business days and a label hasn’t even been created .
    None of my orders were held or take awhile do they’re federal system, the federal postal system has been working fine for me I receive dark web packages from Asia that arrive in a more reasonable time .

  • I’ve noticed from MedMan many times the label isn’t updated and then 5-6 days in it updates with delivery next day. You go back and it shows all the previous updates. Hope that’s your case.

  • ^^^ Sometimes Informed Delivery doesn't pick up the package and I just get it. We're all really at the mercy of USPS's glitchy software. Usually it takes a few days to show up, read the post 'How to receive your order quicker'. There are cutoff times, etc. also each shipper has varying speeds

  • I got my package today on the 9th business day if that helps anyone.

    That is pretty normal for USPS at the moment from what I have seen from other packages I have received coming from west coast.

  • Hi! My order hasn’t updated since March 7. Delivery date unknown according to USPS. Should I assume it’s lost?

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