New member here
Just wanted to say how thankful i am to have found this forum and community. I am 51 yrs old, have Lupus and Myasthenia Gravis, and so against taking prescription medication, that i would rather deal with any issues i have, than to take them. Gotten ripped off a few times through sites claiming to be what this one ACTUALLY is, so it feels like a God send that i stumbled upon this site while searching other day. As soon as i get Bitcoin figured out and have the funds to spare, look forward to testing out some of the natural meds. Reading all the comments, seems like alot of satisfied customers. Thanks again for accepting me, positive vibes to u all✌
I've been buying from this site for I think 10 years. Back when there were only two vendors and maybe a dozen different strains between the two of them. In all that time there was only one issue and it was fixed immediately. I just want to assure you that you will get what you ordered. I was always satisfied with what I bought.
Sadly, I haven't been able to buy. I'm on fixed income and my state lets us old folks over 65 get medical marijuana without having to go through a doctor and hopefully in April legal recreational will start. Delaware has junk weed so I'm really sorry that I can't buy from this site as often as I did.
Use Cash app for bitcoin, if you have any problems go on YouTube and look at some tutorials and I'm sure somebody here can also help you.
Welcome aboard @DB800! Finding this site, after many failed attempts and lost funds, I somehow stumbled upon this forum back in 2020. Reading through many of the posts I decided to take the plunge with Medicineman. So glad I did because I haven’t purchased anywhere else online since.. I thought finally…a legit business with great products/selection (the selection is much better now) with stellar customer service! SOLD! 😎
Welcome @DB800! These are the most professional and ethical people you will deal with anywhere in any business. I have used the site for many years and I buy from all of the shippers.
Welcome to the club! MedMan always delivers.