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@medboy ^
@Budqueen well you just broke a rule by promoting a competitor. Sounds like a sales pitch lol. The order page says to give a substitute just in case something like this happens and I'm sure they say that because it is difficult to relay that info…
Ounce of Runtz and 2 pods @HappyTrees 🙏
@HappyTrees aw man I just copy pasted my same message in the comments section as earlier since my order wasn't working and didn't expect this one to actually work, email is like the name here. Please count me in! Thanks.
@nefgreen and yesterday lol there's been problems stacked on top of problems the last few days
I hope the INF bitcoin thing is fixed by the end of today, I can't submit my order to yall. I'm sure other people have made several orders tho so I don't stand a chance anyway lol. This is dope tho.
Having the same issue here. I'll check back later but the discount will still be applied yeah? @medboy order forum was corrected just in time as well. Thanks for everything.
@medboy yeah I just checked on desktop and cleared my cache on both. Still nothing. Everyone here is saying the same thing, have you yourself tried using a different device? @HappyTrees @LoudnCo @MerlinsMagic @medicineman This is gonna lose yall …
@happytrees just noticed that the description for the pods say "live resin diamonds" and cannabis oil, does that mean distillate oil mixed with diamonds instead of live resin oil? Do they still have the natural terps or are they added? I'm sure t…
@medboy will the prices be fixed by tomorrow? This is a big letdown if the sale won't actually save us anything. If there's some weird issue with the order forum then maybe the discount code could be increased to compensate for it?
@NeedsWeedz previous discounts and announcements get posted at the top of the thread and pinned I believe, shouldn't have to keep too heavy of an eye on it as long as you check back day of
@friendsofbillw ahh I see you're right. Crazy that's the first few search results and fryd isn't doing anything about it. Huh. @HappyTrees good to hear, perfect then. Sorry about the Simi callout, guess fryd has some sketchy shit goin on lol. Tho…
@posternugbag yeah you're right. @medboy only the listings were updated, order forum still shows all prices as more and etc what everyone else has been saying
Damn I just looked up the actual prices of the disposables and they are like 20 bucks each lol that's crazy profit margins for such a cheap product. See a lot of bad reviews and etc too. Anyone have experience with em so far?
Prices are updated correctly, you da man @medboy lookin forward to the sale!
@medboy @medicineman | @HappyTrees came in after the price decreases yet their prices have also been raised. @medboy says there has been no price raise while almost every item on the menu, new and old, is raised around 10%. I don't see how this coul…
@medboy prices for happy trees outdoor were 180 an ounce a couple days ago, was looking to order a bit during the sale but now it's all raised to 195.
Yeah I was hoping to get some kind of discount for 420 as I haven't been round long enough for last time, if it's just gonna increase like this right before the sale that's just
https://medicinemanonline.com/discussion/3829/420#latest ^ Medboy confirmed here
Does the sale start on 4/20 or would it be a little before? Lookin to get my smoke on and maybe throw a little party but im all out till then.
Happy Trees when they opened were doing fine for months. Willing to bet a couple drop boxes started recieving a lot more use out of nowhere and someone got suspicious, checked packages and confirmed it, could be a potential investigation as so many …
Happy Trees packed and had my order shipped maybe even the same day when I ordered around 12pm, 2-3 days max for my orders.
@SomeMalarkey_62 I've never seen the same name twice, that's interesting. Unrelated, @HappyTrees yall use gum tape? I use it at work and oh man is it great. ULine sells them for cheap in packs and it's borderline invincible to damage, has to be cut …
Interesting, the strains tab is secured while the rest aren't. Thought certificates were site wide.
I moreso mean information such as explaining how the mail system works and why this isn't immediately detectable. A lot of people have the idea in their minds that every package is Xray'd and they can tell what's in every package.
@galaxiegirl exactly, friends are blown away by my tellings of the ease and products but just can't take that leap. They are happy to take off me once I get stuff though haha. I think for most people it's just a step too far to have it shipped to yo…
Just for yall out there in the future, the gumdrops are seriously👌, great bang for your buck. Even left one of my containers unrefridgerated for a week and they were still good, potent and tasty. @ColonelAngus I thought the same thing, wouldn't m…
@galaxiegirl they were great, love the form factor and they lasted me almost 2 months of daily use. Only gripe with them is the balance of flavoring / product as it can be overpowering sometimes. I'm not sure if I posted a review or not but I'd defi…
I meant to update this post with what I got lol. Got 3 prerolls on my order of an ounce, all full grams packed to the top perfectly. Thanks again @HappyTrees , hope those shipping issues get resolved.
There we go haha