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- tdk329
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I lined joints with mine , had some wedding cake refill, we're ok, didn't last long, too expensive for me.
Give us a review maryjanelover
Good for you maryjanelover11!
Shipping label from Seattle.
Shipping label created today, ordered Thursday, post office awaiting item.
Hope it comes today for you, waiting on one too, it will come.
Was ale to get two orders in during sale and enjoying them now. Just would like to thank mm, mb ,and the whole crew at medicine man.Thank you !
New update now says delivery date the15th. Woo hoo
Package accepted today at 12:49 pm, in California, strangely it says expected delivery the 13th, which is today, package is in California., Me in pa. , strange !
Payment confirmation on the second, shipping label created the 11th ,post office awaiting item
Ordered last week,payment received last Tuesday, shipping label created today,awaiting item at post office , according to informed delivery,
Ordered last week too, no shipping lable, no nothing ,customer for six, seven years, never lost package yet, but almost always get package within a week. Not sure what's going on
What's more frustrating,seeing your package shipment label created awaiting package for days,or seeing nothing on informed delivery?ordered last week, Tuesday or Wednesday.
Same here, placed two orders last week ,one Monday ,one Wednesday ,got Mondays package tracked half ass on id, no shipping lable created yet for second package
Received package from mm today also, informed delivery worked half ass, package disappeared for a day, then said was arriving late, all screwed up, have another order that hasn't showed up on I'd yet.order was from last Wednesday. One that showed up…
Me too
Same here winston, frustrating.only site where I'd is so sketchy.
Extreme risk means, running out of pot, and your out of bitcoin.
Second package came today, one day earlier than what informed delivery said,oz of jaeger, transaction complete, thanks to the crew at mm
In the vape section
They are in syringes,easy to dispence
Lined a joint with wedding cake vapor refill, smoked while walking dog, two thumbs up, would buy again!
First package arrived 10:30 am, East coast time, 2 wedding cake cart refills, will review later, time to walk the dog. 2nd package expected 28th, happy camper here, thanks mm
First package out for delivery, 2nd package delivery date 28th ,
first package in transit,arriving on time according to informed delivery, second package post office waiting item, sorry and sad to hear some customers still having issues with ordering, payment confirmation, ect, .long time customer of mm , only pr…
Informed delivery says 1st package expected deliver the 26th, Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility
Ordered from different shippers, 2nd shipping lab!e created today, delivery date unknown, awaiting item from shipper
Shipping label created 5:41 pm pacific time delivery date unknown, ordered on Monday , will post updates along the way