Skywalker og

Is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 for the price.


  • Good! Hope it stays around for awhile.

  • Outdoor. Green House. All 🔥💨😳

  • Dam I’m tempted to order some how was the high?

  • It's the typical Skywalker high it's super intense head and body high for a short time at first
    then it's a mellow relaxing high. It really is great for a night cap. Sorry I'm not a poet when it comes to reveiws.

  • I ordered Miracle Alien Cookies and Skywalker at the same time since I couldn’t make up my mind. Hindsight tells me I should have doubled up on the MAC.

    I don’t write reviews because I don’t know what in the hell I’m talking about. So please forgive my low rent commentary.

    The Skywalker nugs are large, but not at all dense. MAC nuggs are tight and dense. I like that.

    Skywalker really makes me and the mrs cough. MAC is fresh, tasty and smooth by comparison.

    But here’s the deal killer for me: Skywalker leaves a strange soapy taste in my mouth. I am not a fan.

  • Hmm I dunno I taste no soap and my buds were mostly small medium and fairly dense?

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