Flower Storage
Good day everyone! I hope all enjoyed this holiday weekend.
I usually do not buy flower because I don’t smoke it often and it always goes bad. But I always see strains on sale that I would love to try and I totally would buy 1/4 but I know I will only smoke one nug before it dries out. So, what are some things I need for storage and how long will it store? I read about humidor packs but honestly don’t know how it works so any info would be great. I would probably have about 3-4 strains at a time and no more than an oz
To be quite honest I am going to sound awful but Part of the reason why I don’t smoke flower is I don’t know how to roll a blunt and I have been smoking for 15 years and I just never could do it right. Ok I got that off my chest.
There is a good 2-3 threads about this already.
Buy a pipe/bong.
Bongs are awesome, and definitely help with the harshness on the throat, and since you're like me, and can't roll (I can they just come out looking pregnant lol), get you some prerolled cones. You can usually find them at headshops, or online.
@MigraineWarrior79 , I have looked at some of the cones but the paper ones burn too fast for me. Do you have any recommendations for prerolls? Thank you!
@daCabbie , I have a couple pipes and a bong but I enjoy smoking a good old fashioned blunt when I smoke flower. Using a bowl or bong doesn’t solve my storage problem
@maryjanelover11 , can you please point me in the direction of the search function on this forum? I have looked through pages and I can’t find the threads about this. Just trying to get some storage advice.
@Kris10 The ones I use are called Cyclones! 😊
They have all different flavors.
Thank you! I’m going to look them up now
much appreciated
@Kris10 you're quite welcome!
@Kris10 ... mason jars with a humidity pack work best for storage.
I am also a joint/blunt smoker. I don't like cones, they are expensive. I use Raw king size papers. If you want to learn how to roll I suggest getting a package of top/bugler tobacco and start rolling, after you get done tear them up and start again. After you do it about 500 times you'll be an expert... the dollar bill trick works well (check Youtube for a video).
10,000 invested in any task will make you an expert.
The dollar bill trick does work well just be sure to find a fresh clean one. I have always rolled joints by hand and they are good but always pregnant looking in the middle lol. I just recently bought a simple RAW rolling machine and love using it. They come out so uniform and even and burn even too...I dont think I can go back to not using it now!
If your joints end up pregnant try leaving the center empty. When you spread the weed out put most of it where your fingers are on the paper and a gap in the center, as you roll it the weed will naturally move toward the center. Also, newbie rollers might want to start with 1.5 papers... the classic 1.0 papers are for experts.
I'm not a fan of rolling machines... they create a uniform shape and I prefer a baseball bat shaped joint with a fat end and a smaller filter end... but to each there own.
I have to say that I am spoiled by my parents if I want hand rolled joints, or blunts, I just bring some herb to them when I visit, and they roll me a few being they are from the hippie generation, and they roll perfectly. Haha
Of course, I always hook them up with herb too. So, more than likely they'll be getting to try the fire off this site as soon as I get it.
Major glass head here. If you’re going to buy a bong, please, please invest the money in a nice piece. This can range from $70-$700, of course you can get shitty China for $20, but don’t do that to your poor lungs! Chances of inhaling glass increase with that shitty wholesale glass, plus the fumes if they have painted on designs are a big no. I recommend thickassglass.com for a good, cheap bong or a brand like Sovereignty if you’re looking for a more luxurious piece