I have a vaporizer i have the Pax 3 which can do dabs i never tried it though. Can i just put some diamonds on a bowl and get smacked off of it? Does it need a torch to light or does it not need a lot of heat. Someone please explain this to me. I ordered the Mimosa 
If you rig takes other forms of wax it will take diamonds.
I was wondering how to use Diamonds as well because I have no idea what they are lol. @groundscreeper can you provide some wisdom?
YouTube your model.. there are tons of pax 3 vape tutorials on there :-)
Roll a joint and put little bb or smaller on the joint and they will melt into the joint or that’s how I do it
sorry, but taken outta context that subject line is funny as heck! but for real...dab em roll em, and then put your seat belt on.
@Landrace I know i sound stupid haha and can you heat it up with just a lighter? Do i not need a torch like for dabs?
@BMan you’d heat it up the exact same way you would if you were smoking shatter, or any other wax. And let it cool down for the same amount of time as well
Typically you use a banger or a nail with a carb cap... I advise buying a titanium one (Nail) from amazon. It’s like a universal style (M/F 14-18mm) that fits virtually any bong. “Titanium nail”... looks like a titanium ice cream cone with a hole in the center cone can’t miss it. You’ll then want to make sure your piece can handle that kinda heat, take a torch and get the tip of that nail(or banger)(again I advise using a titanium nail until you get the feel—I’ve broken a few quartz nails and bangers and it isn’t cheap) red hot. Let it sit a good 60 seconds and you’ll also need a “dab tool” most people use wax carving tools, all you need is the smallest bit, set it in the bowl of the nail(not the center hole,but the bowl)or quartz banger and inhale! You better buckle up and not have anything to do for the next few hours..I say the titanium type because they are “domeless” meaning you don’t have to buy a bunch of fancy/heady glass pieces(you could use the bottom of a herb grinder as your cap, or most of the ones on amazon will come with a titanium matching cap/dab tool),it’s super easy to clean(heat it up till it’s red hot a few times and you’re good to go) , and good luck breaking one/using one up. I’ve been using one of these for years. Along with a quartz banger with a heady quartz carb cap! Hope this helps!! And a good size to start with someone that’s never taken a dab I’d say would be about half a piece of rice, till you get the feel for it and can go all out. The inhale is the easy part and the exhale will have you folded like a chair!
I forgot to say it, but before you vaporize anything on that fresh banger or nail, you’re going to want to heat it red hot a few times without dragging through it... pls don’t inhale the oils the factories use to produce these pieces.
Butane is also always better(cheaper) than propane on your torch set up/lungs as well! And you don’t need oxy-acetylene—way too much heat.
Another thing I wish someone would’ve taught me early in like I’m about to tell you— parchment paper and silicone pads will be your best friend anytime you deal with dabs/wax in general. Preferably silicone pads. A lot of the titanium nails kits come with some sort of “starter pad” it makes a hell of a difference in product/$$$ NOT being wasted
If you don’t have a piece(bong) you can look up a nectar straw or nectar collector. These things are nice for On-the-go dabs! I take mine everywhere I go anytime I go camping,biking,etc.! I also advise going titanium on this if at all possible— people will say quartz makes your dabs taste better and they are right, but it’s hard not to break quartz!
Puffing bird has cheap(but good) quartz bangers too. I like the thick ones that hold the heat well.
@nefgreen i will have to check them out. I try to stay local (headshots) and I actually collect my glass and stuff as I go.. I love pieces and etc. also check your reviews... sometimes sellers will say it’s Ti, but sometimes its not..
@Fastguy199 Thank you so much that really helped. I think i have a rig its not very nice though. I bought a titanium one with a carb cap on it. Its universal so im assuming i can use it with my bong? If not my Pax3 wouldnt be a bad place to start.
If you vape and have a fairly high powered mod/battery, then there are plenty of cheap options that work well as far as specialized atomizers that screw in to it. Have to check the name of mine but it has a titanium bucket thats super easy to use and 10 times more convenient than heating without electricity. https://humboldtvapetech.com/ Even if ya dont vape and have to buy a battery I think you would still be happy going this route and get a nice rig later for la casa.
@FuxLupus the way i do it is with a nectar collector. It's the easiest and quickest cheapest way to get started. I havent had the diamonds yet but.am stoked to try. I do like the shatter and dab. I would like to have what the kids call a rig but i dont have the time to clean one all the damn time. I have had a few low end vaporizers, i cam see where nicer ones woukd be cool.
@Landrace appreciates the link, been looking for another atomizer to use on regular mod besides the Yocan Regen I have
What do you guys feel about vape psychedelics?
Does it hit fast?
this might sound elementary but I use a bong and mix it with my flower....I'm basic though
@charlij2328 I just top it on my bowl and get trashed haha