Thank you Medmama

Medmama went above and beyond for me and i will never thank her enough. I had an order go wrong from a different shipper and she came in and sent me the replacement. First off you labeled it as the product i was suppost to get, BUT I KNOW you got something better in there because i can smell it. It smells just like Mimosa and i just want to say you are AMAZING @medmama and you have been just killing it lately with how fast you ship and the amount of product and listening to product requests. When you do a split you guys seperately seal the bags so the smells dont get mixed up thats AWESOME! Thank you!


  • Second @medmama on the gratitude, ordered Mon and arrived today and split like requested. Haven't tried anything but both the venom and grateful breath smelled up entire house 😱🤤 can't wait to test drive these mofos. Hugs and kisses mama🤣

  • edited October 2020

    I have to agree that @medmama is amazing in every single way with shipping time, packaging, quality and quantity, and honoring requests!
    I couldn't be happier!
    Please keep the kush coming!

  • 4th. She goes above and beyond and 4 days or less shipping streak contiunes

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