Ok, so I got my XJ13 in today. I was worried after reading some posts related to this recent batch, but I am happy with my purchase. In another thread someone was comparing it to the MAC and someone was also wondering how this recent batch compared to the last batch of XJ13. I have taken a bud of MAC (last non-premium @LoudnCo had), this newest premium XJ13 from the same shipper and a bud from the previous XJ (non-premium) batch from same shipper. See if you can guess which is which....


  • edited November 2020

    Yeah I’m happy with my XJ 13 two after let it sit for about 24 hours and I changed my mind. It just smells a little different than it normally does but it’s still really good. And it’s all chunky buds unlike the Mac. If I had to guess from what I see above I would say.... the new Xj 13 is B?

  • @Theboyua Yep, B is the new XJ.

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