New to Shrooms Advice

Hello MM family. I am a bud smoker but want to try these shrooms. I don’t understand the difference between the items on the menu and also I don’t even know the dose or how much I would want to take. I don’t want to have a bad trip and I want to not be totally out of it if you know what I mean. Any recommendations? Thanks everyone.


  • IMO the taj mahals and teachers are most likely gonna be about the same because they are both cubensis species. There really isnt much strength difference with psilocybe cubensis unless you get the "penis envy" strain. The caps literally look phallic on those.
    That aside everyones tolerance is different with shrooms and I see a lot of people saying to eat an eighth but for me thats a lot. It could also be the potency. I would start with a gram or 1.5 you could always do more another time.
    I always eat my cubes with some chocolate on an empty stomach and tend to not have nausea but making tea should be the best bet if you remove the steeped mushrooms because it is the fruit body that makes us feel sick. The other stuff we all order from MM tends to help with any nausea as well.

  • This will be my first time trying MedMama's Golden Teachers. Past experience with this variety of P. cubensis, from another vendor, was that it was a gentle experience. MedMama's last batch of Taj Mahals was quite epic. What does it mean? You probably cannot do wrong with either one.

  • edited December 2020

    You’re going to get high as a mf. Just have some activities to do. Netflix, Xbox, ps5 etc...

  • Buy the ticket...take the ride

  • Golden teachers are great for beginners I've heard

  • Thanks for everyone’s advice! I’ll let you know how it goes!

  • But how much is 1.5g? Is a few of the actual mushrooms or should I weigh it? Also, do you just chew and swallow or what?

  • @georgetirebiter i got my Golden Teacher today and I will be trying them very soon. Will see how they are. Am sure that they will be similar to the Taj Mahal as they are from the cubensis family. Let me know what you think when you try them.

  • Have only tried the TJ’s so far, starting with microdosing-ish. I ground them up & put into caps to test/experiment on dosage, make notes, etc. Plenty of experience with shrooms in general, but it’s been a while. I’m taking them with Lion’s Mane caps from Host Defense. Working on some brain retraining!

  • So I have a question. I've been wanting to try shrooms for years but I absolutely loathe hate and despise both the texture/feeling and taste of regular/non-psychedelic mushrooms. What would be a method of ingestion that I could use that wouldn't make me want to gag and vomit them back out?

  • @LilWitchyGrl i make tea! That’s the best way IMO.

  • @MGKMTN ive been taking lions mane a month or so and love it! Same much taj have you tried and mind sharing effects? Thx

  • @superman38NC I ordered an 1/8th and the candy initially...candy didn’t do much for me. I’m digging 2-3 caps (1/8th ground up equaled 25 “0” size caps) at a time, midday, when I can swing it with work and such, weed included minimally here and there. I’m mostly experimenting in productivity, mood shifting, creativity, happiness far really seems to be working.

  • Bruh your using 1/8 as a micro dose?

  • He said ground up between 25 capsules, size 0

  • Shit man, just go all in and eat 4g and enjoy the ride😂

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