Can anyone tell me what these are?
Got these in with an ounce of PE this evening.
Looks like some sort of concentrate just wanted to be sure (mostly because I don't recall ever buying concentrates from @medman) so I'm guessing their freebies, just wanted to be sure especially due to the lack of any label.
Thanks for the great work y'all do. It's a blessing to not have to pay the ridiculous markup at dispensaries.
Edit: ignore that white stain, my cutting board came into contact with something that screwed up the finish.
That's two edibles. One is a gumdrop, and the other is a hard candy called a jolly chip. Both are 25mg each.
Enjoy! ๐๐จ
๐ as usual our WARRIOR is dead on , enjoy your edibles.
Wow. I was way off on that one. That's embarrassing lol.
No need to be embarrassed, friend! When it's something new, it's easy to get it confused with something else.
@PCT90 haha technically your right it is a concentrate just in edible form, nice stain what kind of extract were you making? You cant hide polar/non polar or acid to base extract desk stains from me loll Edit: Nevermind I see you explained the stain lol
@MigraineWarrior79 the fact that the edibles came vacuum sealed made it more difficult to view the actual product.
@GanjaLion I honestly don't remember. It ended up on the cutting board sometime between 2011-2013. Long time ago.