Cracked Vape Cartridge?

Hey everyone!
I first want to be clear that this vape cartridge (Cookies WiFi from MedMama) did not break until after used in a new vape device (CBDfx).

Does anybody have any recommendations on how to get the vape oil out of a cracked cartridge? The oil is so thick it is difficult to transfer to a new vape cart.

All ideas are appreciated. I just don't want to waste it. Thank you in advance 😊


  • I’ve transferred before and using a hair dryer to heat it up helps. If you can find a way secure the one your filling that makes it easier. That and make sure you have something to hold the cart that you heat. It can get pretty hot. It’s almost impossible to get it all out, but you can salvage the majority. That’s my 2 cents..

  • Thank you for your suggestion, Superman. I will give it a try!

  • There is a glue product out there that is cured by UV light, and it may be a solution to a problem like this.

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