Hey man, is Dave there?

It's, Dave, man. Open up, I think the cops saw me come in here.


  • One of the first comedy albums I appropriated from my dad's collection...

  • Ur dad was a stoner

  • Daves not here man

  • No man. I'm Dave. Open up.

  • The backstory is almost as funny as the bit. It's on YouTube. Broken link:

    https://www.youtube.***/watch?v=_GH8AK8eJME (put the com where the *** is)

  • daCabbie: My dad was the rare musician who was not a stoner. He bought a lot of albums at the advice of his friends, guys with names like "Speed." and "Army."

    He never listened to those albums! I believe that bit was on the album with "Sleeping Beauty." It certainly had "TWAT" on it, the riff on that show, SWAT, that was big at the time.

    My avatar and name come from another comedy album I appropriated: Don't Crush That Dwarf Hand Me the Pliers by Firesign Theater.

    Comedy albums and pot got me out of Indianapolis...

    I'd like to say "good memories..."

  • We're all just Bozos on This Bus is another of my favorite Firesign Theater albums. Classics....

  • Open up man...
    It's Dave.

    I got the stuff.
    Come on man. Open up.

  • @bluedreamer - It is rare for me to hear from someone else that listens to Firesign Theater. Bozos is one of my favorites!

  • No, man. I'm Dave. Let me in.

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