Outdoor Agent 🍊 Loud

Medium buds camo green with red orange hairs. Nice trim. Fine looking plant.
Initially a musky pithy citrus lemongrass. When ground, the citrus oil and pith really stands out. Not as much as the sour tangie but citrus fresh.
Smooth starburst orange and strawberry. Bitter pith tobacco. Smoke coats mouth. Really liking this.
The High.
Sativa is strong. Lovely Spacey what the f was i doing and how long have i been doing it effects. Elon Musk would love this feels like taking off in a rocketship.
Thats about it as i can no longer form coherent thoughts and i have just passed by the Oort Cloud on my way out of the solar system.


  • @SpongePail Awesome review! I'm really liking agent orange as well.

  • I like reviews in which the reviewer leaves the solar system.

  • Big rep points for referencing "Oort Cloud."

  • edited May 2020

    Great review!! I’m still making my way through the 1/4 of Agent O from Loud a few months ago..matter of fact I had a spliff yesterday of that and California 🍊combined..πŸ‘Œ nice!

  • Good news since I have a "rainy day" ounce of this stashed away 😊

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