So I've been smoking for about 5 months now, fell in love the first time I've tried it! I've had numerous orders through MM too... but recently I've encountered a very unfortunate sensation where I would have stomach issues right after smoking.... so bad to the point where I haven't smoked in 5 days now to see if I was just consuming too much THC- the probable cause of the sickness "Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome" basically you feel nauseated and have the sense of vomiting or suffering from too much acid reflux. Obviously for legal reasons there hasn't been a lot of studies or cure attached to the syndrome as of now but some people are saying it could be from chemicals used in certain cannabis or just the THC receptors in your brain being damaged by overusage- I really hope it's the latter, I mean it's gotten to the point where I didn't need to smoke but still did anyway for the fun of it. 5x a week max. Has anybody experienced the same recently?


  • @jtommy Its called "greening out" in street terms. Its when you smoke too much in one sitting and get the sensation you described. You are probably smoking on an empty stomach or with too little food/water in your system. Smoking weed creates bile. Which is a substance that digests food. If you smoke too much on an empty stomach you will have too much bile ratio inside your guts and it will cause the stomach pain.

  • Props to @jtommy and @maryjanelover11...I have so many other health issues, I never thought to investigate that stomach pain. It explains (one of) my issues sometimes.

  • @georgetirebiter drink a lot of fluid when you smoke specially water. Dont smoke on an empty stomach unless you plan on eating immediately after

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