Stickers / Slaps

I would love to have some stickers made by you guys. @medman @medboy @medmama
Maybe an idea for a freebie? I just love you guys so much I wanna look at your logos all day ^_^


  • i would be down for that. i have 2 toolboxes where most of my stickers go; you guys would make it on to the good toolbox for sure. brand up! lol

  • The first rule of fight club. Dont talk about fight club.

  • We'd love to but for security we prefer to put no identifying materials in our mailed packages. Great idea though!

  • I fully understand @medman @Joha would you mind if I put a tattoo ? lol ^_^ rofl

  • LOL @wikkkkietman go ahead, it's a free country. Well, except when responsible adults want the freedom to choose what goes in their own bodies -- but whoops, I'm getting dangerously close to violating our "no politics on the forum" rule!

  • @wikkkkietman if you get a tattoo we'd love to see it and I'll give you a free ounce of your choice! :-)

  • Ya... ur probably gonna regret that...

    But maybe you like getting those types of pictures.

  • @medman brb, headed to parlor now!

  • @wikkkkietman stop riding balls and smoke dude lol. Keep the family secret no new friends lol

  • @rshigh81 yeah, I mean while I certainly appreciate the service MM and MB provide and have told a close friend or two about it because they were interested in buying, I'm not about to throw a spotlight on them and broadcast the service to EVERYBODY. I think we need to just chill and keep this a bit guarded.

  • Haha love the reactions im dead ass rolling on the floor lol... @medman you a fool for that one haha ^_^

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