What best way to last little bit out of vape syringe
Anyone have any ideas on how to get that last little bit out of vape refill syringes? I heat them up and squirt out what i can but theres always a little bit that doesn't come out i usually scrape it off with a small blade then wipe it on the inside of my cart. Anyone have any better ideas?
Take this with a grain of salt because I’ve only refilled one or two carts in my time, but i take a paper clip or a toothpick and bend it to where it can get in all the crevices, and then gather a big enough glob to put on top of a cherry-ing bowl
i haven't given this much thought yet, but i probably should .. because i have an empty syringe from a refill that i haven't thrown away for this exact reason, the inside is coated in goodness
on a separate note, i can confirm that i was shorted on my last syringe.
not much, but about .3 ml missing. thought it was important to mention but also don't wanna make a post just complaining.. i kinda THOUGHT this may have happened, but i wasn't sure because the sides of the glass syringe are not graduated.. i had to wait until i went to fill my .5ml cart again, and saw that it filled it a little less than halfway.
(for background, i got a 1 gram/ 1.0ml refill syringe of silver haze. i ordered an empty .5 ml cart. simple math shows us that 1.0 ml should fill a .5 ml cartridge to the brim, twice, precisely. After i filled it the FIRST time [also left a little head room so it wasn't brimming] ... i thought to myself, "Man, that does NOT look like enough to fill this cart again". long story short, i had to wait until it was empty to fill it again, and that happened yesterday. sure enough, filled it up not quite halfway, which my my rough math means that i got .5ml + .25-.3 ml = .75-.8ml. )
again not a big deal but this post made me remember that i wanted to mention it here, and i will likely use the website contact form just to let them know, not to complain or try to get anything for free or whatever.
@v32Finish now that you mention it, there was no filling four half gram carts with the two refills I received, even with the little bit I spilt, lol. They are a gram each the refills right. I don’t like complaining either, I’m kind of happy I’m getting it at all right now attitude! I was so excited I was able to fill a third cart with the extra left from both refills I had. I should have actually been able to fill four .5 carts. Anyway, I noticed it too. I am loving the refills though! I can’t believe I stressed about filling them.The sprk ceramic cartridges are phenomenal, really like them.
Yeah I'm new to and a pain patient. After many trials I've found if you remove the cap holder "yes with light constant twisting pulling motion it will come off " Then pull the plunger and slowly blow the remaining distillate into your device. Oh well it works for me. MNTDWLER
@v32Finish @Rubygirl816 just curious which 0.5ml carts you guys are using? If it's the SPRK cart they are advertised as 0.5ml but they actually hold up to 0.8ml. This could explain the 0.3ml missing.
I'd also like to add that I too have received syringes with a few ml missing before. Maybe 2-3 separate occasions, though I've ordered more than I can count. I like the syringes with the marks on the glass so you know it's right. (Or wrong)
@Bobs_Vagana thanks, this is great info. Taking that into consideration, that makes a difference. I do use the SPRK .5 cart. Thank you!! Will accurately measure next time
I use the veriflo from o2vape.com never fill it completely to avoid over fill but it fills the 1 gram carts i have mostly all the way with a little left over i would probably guess all carts are different i think its measured in weight. O2vape has a new all glass cart im looking forward to trying.