Golden Teacher Review and Comparison
I've been using psilocybin daily since late summer. When Medicineman started carrying Taj Mahals, I was very excited. The first batch was more potent than the fresh truffles I had been using. Then the Golden Teachers showed up. Saturday. My only past experience with this strain had been good; but it was nowhere on the level of what I experienced with the Taj Mahals or some of the best magic truffles I'd been using. This led me to conclude that Taj's are "strong" and Golden Teachers are "gentle." This is not the case.
The Golden Teachers are strong as fuck.
I ordered them on December 3; received December 12. My second order of Taj Mahals had arrived the previous day, despite being ordered a day later. With both varieties, I made my typical tea preparation* (3 grams or so). I had major therapeutic breakthroughs with both. The question of "which is stronger?" has been rendered absurd by my experiment. Not that you'd be absurd to ask it; that was my first question, of course. Having tried them both, back-to-back, it is quite clear that you can't make a mistake with either.
*Pulse with a food processor (two short should not be completely pulverized into powder...that's mainly for ease of use...fine powder creates filtering problems). Steep with a teabag or two, then filter through a coffee filter. I use hibiscus and passion flower tea, for the synergic properties of passionflower and the mushroom-taste nullifying properties of hibiscus.
@georgetirebiter are you finding your tolerance increasing? If so, is it increasing for all shrooms, or per strain?
Great question @Sixwaychili! The tolerance concept, as experienced with opiates or benzos, doesn't seem to apply here, at least not as I understand it. After many days (months) using 2-2.5 grams, it still does something interesting and new every time. I do recommend taking breaks, but can't be dogmatic about it. My breaks only come about because of a restricted supply chain and lack of money.
Edited to add that I try to alternate strains, using a different one every day...that's nice, when you can have two or three varieties.
Isn't it unhealthy for your mental state to be consuming mushrooms everyday? I have never tried but I think I have the conception that it would change your mental state or ability to process things. Do you experience anything like this? @georgetirebiter
I can't imagine consuming mushrooms daily. One big trip and I'm set for years.
The only thing mushrooms do is remove your programming and weird un-dealt-with issues that block you from being the real you.
So to the mainstream establishment, yes, they are unhealthy for your mental state of being mind controlled in every possible way by the mainstream establishment.
Basically agree with @Sixwaychili. Frankly, I've never felt normal in my life, so I have nothing to compare this to. As far as work goes, and my work can involve complex wordsmithing, it's never been better.
I wish my work dealt with complex wordsmithing, instead of numbers ..
thanks for this post @georgetirebiter . very good info.
What would you say is the biggest difference between the Taj's and the Teachers, effects wise? I am considering taking the plunge back into hallucinogens but I am a little gun-shy having not tripped for the better part of a decade. (that being said, was definitely a bit on the .. cosmonaut side, when younger). I think I would prefer a less intense trip.. well, maybe not less intense, but i would say less mentally intense, maybe?.. more like a physical/MDMA type experience. rather than the slap-in-the-face type trip you get with certain LSD or say 5-MeO-DiPT for instance. intense isn't bad, but rather a certain type of intense.. can be less desirable at times.
I work a normal job with a long ass work week, have kids, etc- I don't really wanna be tripping so hard that my ego falls away & i literally lose all connection with my body.. that type of thing.
based on this, what are your thoughts? I believe I asked this in another thread, but I couldn't find it just now.. pretty sure someone even mentioned which of the strains gave them more of that type of experience, but i can't recall.. oh well. I'll find it.
thanks again for the great post
@v32Finish Same situation...job & kid. I grind them up and put into gel caps so I can more accurately figure dosage, and this is totally working for me. Tea would prob work too.
@v32Finish, I think the best way to control your experience is to adjust the dosage. 2 grams or less would be my guess, for a low-intensity trip. I think both strains are about the same, intensity-wise. I've been using a lot of this stuff lately, from a lot of vendors; these are two of the finest examples I've had.
I’m a little behind and I hope some1 can comment before I eat these lol. I’ve had the Taj with a friend and we took close to 5g. Super intense. I’m bout to try the Teachers and @georgetirebiter, 3g should be good since I’m doing it by myself?! I’m scared but not lol! I think ima just eat 3g and see what happens for the rest of the night. Hope Every1 had a blessed, happy, and safe Christmas! I will get back on later and see if I can type ✌🏼
@georgetirebiter thanks for this. I think you may be right. I will definitely take this into consideration . great to hear they are both really good examples .
@WDEgkj congrats.. hope you're having an enlightening Xmas!
curious to see if you'll pop up on this thread later 
anyways, i'm off to get some stuff done and relax with the fam... merry Xmas everybody!!!
@MGKMTN awesome reply, i didn't see it at first!! thanks for the response.
yeah, I think i'm gonna just start slow. i really think i would have a great experience, being in a totally different (less fucked up) state than I was when I was younger.. i know they have alot to teach.
anyway, just noticed i missed your reply and i wanted to acknowledge. have a great holiday!
Holy shit y’all! I ate 3.5 last night by myself and it was epic! Omg
Still have never tried shrooms before and want to try the experience as i think it could help me. I def wanna try a very low dose. Im almost always calm and very social but would shrooms be tolerable to try by myself at low dose or should another person be with? Just don't know the effects or high so that's why i ask but i'm very independent.