Apricot Mimosa?
I ordered a Blueberry Zkittlez and Hippie Crippler split, but double backed and ending up making another order for an 1/8 of the Apricot Mimosa because the curiosity was killing me lol. But did anyone notice the description of parent strains same as regular Mimosa? I like reg Mimosa anyways, so it doesn't matter, but I'm just curious.
Phenotypes. May have same effects with slightly different flavor(s). I've had a few different "Mimosas" strains. Also MM has offered quite a few with similar effects.
Yeah I'm trying the Apricot Mimosa too. Plus some Blueberry Muffin, and (because so many people have raved about it) some of the Zookies this time.
Given the USPS, I assume I'll get it in early February... lol
Got ya @MizterNiceGuy I think I'm used to having other phenotypes of different strains having just a number thrown on the end like Gelato #33. I wasn't sure if Apricot Mimosa was supposed to be some kind of new cross strain or not.
@OzBaxter One of my first purchases on here was Blueberry muffin from MM as well sometime early 2020. I absolutely loved it and it truly smelled just like blueberry muffins. I only passed on it this time because I wanted to try a couple strains I haven't before.
@OneLove Oh I can't wait to try it! I really hope the mail will calm down now the holidays are over...
I'm a huge fan of the blueberry muffin, but i still have a couple grams left from the last time i got it.. so i don't really want to spend again.. but MAN that picture.. i can tell this is gonna be a really banging batch.. so... i would definitely recommend that to anyone who's on the fence!
as for the topic of this post.... i am really hoping the apricot mimosa is really good. i've always wanted to try, and even ordered once (regular mimosa, premium from med mama) but got subbed! so i've never actually had mimosa of any kind. i ordered an 8th... but now I'm kinda wondering if i should've gotten more!! lol
i always tell myself that "if it's fantastic, that doesn't matter, then i'll just be happy that i get to smoke an 8th of something truly killer " and always tell myself that i won't care.... but man.... it is frustrating to get something, and then when it shows up, it's one of your favorite buds of ALL time - and you only got an 8th.
(just happened to me with the Ice Cream Cake, and also happened to me with the first amazing batch of Sunset from loud back in like July)
so yeah for that reason alone, i was debating putting in another order.. i'm also infatuated with both the Guava and esp. the absinthe.. but yeah, i will probably wait.
we will see.
sorry for rambling. lol hope everyone is having a great start to 2021 so far!
@v32Finish This is the first time I've ever ordered anything less than a quarter for that reason lol. Because I know how much I smoke, and if I love it, I'm going to be disappointed when it's gone quickly but the Apricot was just screaming my name. I was literally just eyeing the Guava too but I'm trying to behave as I know Loud will be back online soon and I already have like 4 packages I'm waiting for to arrive now 🤣
@OneLove I'm right there with ya... just sometimes I want something so bad but i really don't have funds for anything else, i end up buying a fair amount of 8ths .. and try to save my bigger purchases for my more favorite stuff. but yeah it's definitely disappointing to get something amazing and not order enough!! lol
@Moochy aww that sucks about your lost order. hope it gets sorted quickly for ya. I'm honestly thinking about ordering more of the mimosa now LOL just from talking about it
@OneLove the blueberry zkittlez was pretty damn good the last time they had it up!!
@Rubygirl816 yeah after remembering what last batch was like I ended up having to snag a little
Anybody else receive this yet? I got mine yesterday and i like it. Really dark, dense, very frosty buds . veery dense. relatively loud, pleasant smell.. piney, sharp/pungent.. a little bit of that kind of incense flavor .. reminds me of Jack Herer or XJ in a way.. didn't really pick up apricot at all but it does have a small amount of sweetness or fruit but mostly pine, citrus, earth, spice. or something like that. i'll try to post a pic later if i can. but it's definitely a good daytime strain
I'm smoking it right now and loving it @v32Finish . Was just thinking about buying some more actually lol.
@Zackarrry i have tried twice to post pics and imgur just doesn't work. i am too lazy to create an account somewhere else but i'll try re-installing the app or going directly thru my PC... big pain in the ass
ok, found a workaround: here's a few pics of the Apricot Mimosa. not exactly what i was expecting, but very pleasantly surprising!
@v32Finish Appreciate the pics! Looks good!
Looks really pretty man can't wait to try at some point things ever get caught up
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing!
Some fairly large nugs, three totaled 7 with nice frosty covered green and purple pepper smelly goodness. Still waiting to check out the salami but least this made it today
Hoping I get my soon! The pics look good!