Medmama got me again 😠
Yep it never fails with @medmama . As soon as her premium blueberry muffin hit the board I ordered a 1/4 oz. Of course as usual she sent me totally opposite of what I ordered. So tell me why order early when it doesn't matter anyway ? Her blueberry muffin even stayed on the board for 3 days after I ordered. Unreal @medmama . I am done with you.
Oh no! I ordered blueberry muffin on Monday and I haven’t seeing anything on my package. I hope I get it. So, sorry it happened to you.
That's happened with my last 2 orders with refills and flower. I totally understand when the inventory doesn't allow it, but both times I requested a split and both times what I requested it split with was still on the board days past my delivery date even. I wouldn't have even been as disappointed if it was split with SOMETHING because I like variety. If I couldn't get it, I either wouldn't have ordered as much or just made 2 separate orders. I hit the contact form for the first one and the response was super quick from them and was given a small coupon code from Mama. Then days later the same things happened and I didn't even message about the second one.
Sorry to hear that @Indiansprings. My track record with Mama has been on point lately for me. What did you end up getting?
Only happened to me twice in five years and both times were with Loud. And like you, the product remained for sale six days after my payment was received. I felt justified in bitching. Ticked me off that they weren't staying on top of their page. When I wrote about it I said "lesson learned" and they got a little snarky back at me. "The lesson learned is to include substitutions in the comment box when you order." Lol See, they never used to sell out so quickly. But the last year or so the stuff's been going fast. And at one time they had three shippers so products stayed up longer.
Interesting our comments don't bump this thread to the top. 🤔 They must want the negative comments off the first page. Lol
This forum isn't really for complaints. If you have an issue, contact me.
With all due respect sir Medboy, the rules don't say we can't complain, only that information about specific orders won't be given out on the forum, and that questions about particular orders should be directed to you fine gentlemen, who ALWAYS deliver I might add.
Public complaints and general grievances/venting about the site, the shippers, the service, etc should be welcomed on a public forum as other customers have a right to be informed/forewarned about mishandlings or the ever-changing shipping trends.
In my case, I love this site and have no complaints, however I made an order with Mama last Tuesday and haven't seen a shipping label yet. I'm waiting the 14 days to make a formal inquiry if that doesn't change, but in the meantime I feel that other members of this forum have a right to know that if they placed an order on Mon/Tue of last week and also haven't seen a label or package movement, that they're not alone in their frustration.
It should also be noted that I also ordered the Blueberry Muffins in question. If @Indiansprings never posted this thread I wouldn't know now that I'll probably be getting a sub, which in my opinion is a good thing to be aware of.
The very Cool thing About this site is that Medboy will take care of us and I have had issues in the past and I am sure I will again but so far I have not lost one dime and have always got good quality bud for my money.
Sometimes I feel like public complaints might push the shippers to check their quality control a little more. I completely understand that they get swamped at times, but people are also spending a good bit of money to get their products. I've seen some of the same complaints over and over that have been taken up directly with shippers, but never actually fixed. I won't specify which shippers, but like the non labeling of freebies which has come up so many times this year and is still an issue. I also literally received a bag of shake and crumbs for premium not too long ago. Hit the contact form and while medoy is VERY efficient, I never heard anything back from the shipper on the matter and no one in their right mind would have even paid anywhere near premium prices for the bag I bought. I, as well as many others, are EXTREMELY thankful for this site, medboy, medman, and the shippers and never want any complaints taken as an insult to your business...and hiccups will definitely always occur, but a pattern of frequent hiccups is frustrating to the consumer.
I, too, am thankful for this site. But I, too, got shafted, in exactly the same way. I asked for a split of the Apricot Mimosa with Blueberry Muffin, if available. So I got half a zip of Apricot and ... a half of Banana Zkittlez? I paid premium! That other shit's not even on the menu!
Now, complaining here won't help me. I've done that by email. But it's instructive to see others' complaints, because this is the kind of thing MedMama does. And she always makes it right. But it still pisses me off. It's policy, at this point, that she subs off-menu stuff. How many times has this happened to me? Five? 12?
@georgetirebiter Thanks for as that might be what will happen to my order. I ordered last Monday the exact same thing as you. I haven’t received any notification as to “Label Created” as of yet.
I've made complaints before too both here on the forum and through the contact link. Medboy helped make things right in all circumstances.
It is well known that it helps to vent your frustrations to the world. When you post a gripe and someone else stands up and says "yeah, me too", then you can take a little comfort in knowing that the situation is not just on you alone.
Sometimes, though, our passions can run a little hot, and things may be said that aren't really meant but simply reflect the momentary frustration felt at that moment. Complaints can be constructive, but that positive is lost when the complaints get a little too salty.
I don't see that here,
and we all seem to be aware that during any gripe or complaint, the comments do not get, um, amateurish, or personal. This is a business after all; a great capitalistic response to draconian laws in our country. When things go wrong, it's nothing personal.
Maybe we need a "Gripe Thread", one that might allow a complaint like "MedMama is late again" or "Loud has subbed me with something I don't like" without it being an official complaint that requires a comment from the MedFamily.
BTW: Happy 2021, y'all!
I agree with stab snipers, cmweems1964, one love, georgetirebiter and just a guy. I too have experienced the systemic issues regarding med mama. I would not have know they were systemic, if people "customers" were not allowed to complain. As always, y'all rock.
I understand @medboy that you don't want to use this forum for complaints. Lol bad for business😂
To anyone who's pro-complaining in the forum. If you want a forum to fill with complaints about individual things you've ordered, go make your own Medicine Man Complaint Forum. We try very hard to cultivate an atmosphere where a newbie can get advice, a regular can send an honest review. Full on complaints do not belong here, they belong in a message to me where I can try to help. Honestly, the number of actual complaints sent to me are a small fraction of the ones in here, meaning people complain to nobody that will help them and then get mad when nothing gets done. Follow a simple procedure. Problem? Contact me! That's it. -MB
👍 We hear you @medboy. Your show so no more complaints fellows. 😃 Not on this forum anyway. Maybe Twitter?