Strawberry Diesel

edited March 2021 in Product Reviews

Fair Warning: I have a crappy phone camera

So I'm not dumb enough to think I can write reviews on this stuff when you have PhD's like @georgetirebiter and @TheProfessor dissecting strains on the biochemical level. But, I thought I'd at least post some pics.

I took two good pulls off a glass pipe. I will disagree with the description that it hits intense and fast. This buzz took two hits and about four minutes to creep up on me. But, it does have a nice intensity.

I do agree that there is a sweet aftertaste that I'd almost attribute to the Diesel/gassy side of things. It's almost plastic in the kickback, but a sweet, sweet plastic. It's not as smooth as something like Ice Cream Cake, but it's "bery strawberry" without a doubt.



  • @OzBaxter just ordered some as a split can’t wait to try it !!!

  • Appreciate the pics! Looks tasty!

  • Thanks for the honorary PhD...and, more important, thank you for the info! I love it when we get dissenting opinions on these things...even better when we get corroborating info...but it's all good information. Thanks again!

  • Lol...thanks @OzBaxter, but I’m no botanist...just an educator with a medical need for cannabis like most of us here. Nice review...thanks for keeping it real!

  • Thanks OZ nice no nonsense review and the pic"s got your point across. 💚🍀

  • nice review! i was curious how this was gonna turn out, as i was underwhelmed with the last batch of strawberry diesel. not terrible, but very weak flavor and basically no nose.

    as is often the case with these things, i wasn't sure it was a sub-par batch or perhaps too long in transit, bottom of the barrel, etc etc etc.. but definitely an intriguing strain!!

    just from the photos and description i can tell this looks much better than my only Strawberry D experience :) thanks for the pics and review! !

  • @OzBaxter the smell I get is fruit rollups.and taste

  • Strawberry diesel top 2
    Xj-13 bottom picture
    Sorry posted sd

  • @Kayla appreciate the pics! Thank you

  • @Kayla thanks for sharing got some on the way !

  • @Kayla Yeah! Fruit rollups! That's a perfect way to describe it. It's not a bad buzz, but I have to break it up with some Ice Cream Cake sometimes.

    Now the XJ-13, that's some straight fire! I'm getting more of that.

  • @Kayla the strawberry diesel looks amazing thanks for your pic's 💚💨🍀

  • I have these two on the way along with orange kush cake, lava cake and more wedding cake. I am loving the cakes!

  • That lady looks like she's so happy to be covered in buds

  • @TreesPlz yes she is.she is smiling ear to ear with happiness!lol

  • Got the Straw Diesel Today, smoked half a small cone and felt fine then 15-20 minutes later I was wasted. I didn't get much sleep so that might have been a factor but I think it was just some DGW (damn good weed)

  • I got an 1/8th as well and wish I’d bought more. Aroma reminds me of the orange diesel loud had a while back..excellent flower!

  • @superman38NC I love it, nice old school toasty type of high and the taste is just right. Glad I got a zip.

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