
This might as well be a brand new strain for me, premium Do-Si-Dos. It was the first cannabis strain I bought legally in Ohio; however, all dispensary weed tastes the same, in my opinion. So I never really tasted Do-Si-Dos in all its glory until this week.

The package arrived with Alien OG, buds so extraordinary they shocked my sensibility and threw my calibration out of whack. Based on appearance only, my 7 grams of Do-Si-Dos looks like "typical" indoor-quality medicinal cannabis from this site. Now, a few of the indoor herbs on this site do look very premium, and some strains will never "look" premium, ever, regardless of how they're cultivated, so this is not that much of a slight. My buds were on the small side, though, if that kind of thing matters to you.

Upon smoking, it's not immediately clear to me how good this herb is, at least from the initial effects. This comes on very, very slowly. The first time I smoked it, I didn't feel it--really feel it--until an hour or two into the experience. That doesn't mean it wasn't working, though; I watched more than half a movie without getting up to do little chores. At that point I began to relax, a feeling so rare that you can hear the sounds of my psyche creaking as it realizes I do not bear the weight of the entire world on top of me. Freedom! In bed, I felt hypnotized, but not like a cliche in a bad movie. It felt like the descriptions I've read of real hypnosis: complete relaxation. This is not the same kind of feeling I've experienced with other "for sleep"-type indica-dominant strains. It did not make me sleepy. Theoretically, it's the kind of herb one might use during tantric sex acts. Theoretically, of course, and I'm not a doctor. I'm also not that sexy.

I wonder about the potential uses for ADHD. I don't "have" the condition, but I have self-medicated for years against its symptoms, trying to get the primitive "fear and anxiety" part of my brain to shut down (and let me work!). This herb achieves it rather completely. More research is necessary. I will be using it during the day for awhile.

The taste of this herb is as outstanding as it is difficult to characterize. There's a nice warm, earthy muskiness to it. I'm also tasting nutmeg with chocolate mint appearing later. It tastes like a forest of myrrh and pine. Smoking this is an extremely enjoyable experience; it has many layers to the experience and will not get old.


This is not purely a THC slamfest, which is what I was expecting from a strain that tested in the very high 20s, according to, I believe, Calyx Peak, the Ohio product I tried last year. It is a subtly powerful, calming herb that is rather unique in my cannabis medicine cabinet--relaxing but not sleep-inducing. Score: 4.75/5 (partial deduction for the appearance, which actually looked very much like I remember the Ohio producer's buds looking...which is to say, rather normal...obviously this is more than made up for by its other redeeming qualities).


  • Great review, thank you!!

  • edited April 2020

    @georgetirebiter, the THC content varies greatly even with the same strain based on growing conditions, the trim, the harvest time, the cure time, everything. Anything that tested in the high 20s for THC was grown under the supreme optimal conditions.

    This is why I don't even bother looking up strains for THC content on other sites and instead rely on reviews like yours for the actual product. Love your reviews! You should be getting free buds to write reviews for the site. :smiley:

    First one that should be rewritten is Greenhouse Grasshopper.

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