Strains that make you Cough!

Anybody ever have a strain that just makes you cough up a lung every time you smoke it?

I Started coughing like crazy recently and couldn’t figure out why. Then I released it was one of my new strains.

There’s so many reasons this could happen. Im not concerned or complaining. Just curious. Anybody else ever have this experience?


  • Yes, every time I hit my Gravitron 😹😹

  • edited March 2020

    Some people I know always take hits that are way too big and they cough for 10 minutes, even though they smoke every day of their lives. I don't get it. You smoke enough and you can figure it out.

    On the other hand, I can't do liquid vapes anymore because it just kills my lungs. It's so hard to figure out the right size of a hit because by the time you feel it hitting your lungs, it's already too late. I probably need to upgrade my vape pen or just stick with flower.

    Dry vaping is the easiest on my lungs.

  • Not sure it was actually the strain. I think i just go through particularly coughy phases from time to time. Could even be seasonal allergies hitting 🤦‍♂️

    But yeah, some ppl just like to cough 🤪

  • "if you don't cough, you don't get off" <- dumbest saying ever

  • I hate coughing, it makes my lungs hurt do bad I can't even smoke anymore. This is probably from being a cigarette smoker for too long. Thankfully, I don't smoke tobacco anymore.

    I have a vessel for my vape pen, works great but also makes me cough hard.

    How is it vaping dry flower? Been wanting to try that but don't have any idea what to buy, any suggestions?

    My favorite form is edibles behind just smoking flower.

  • For me the hazes seem to make me cough like a stage 4 cancer patient. Dont know why. Sometimes a stan with its expansive smoke will make me hack a bit with a big hit. Also if a grow is not flushed fully before harvest it can hang on to a propensity to make you cough no matter what the strain.

  • JDtokes i have a pax 3 I’ve been using almost a yr and I love it for dry vaping and has some nice smell proof shells for it too..use it multiple times a day..has an awesome battery but it is a little pricey..

    it’s definitely easier on the lungs with no added oils like the vape carts..had to quit those altogether..developed a nasty cough I couldn’t shake till I stopped using fav part is the flavor of all the terps if you start out with a lower of the best things I’ve purchased

  • edited April 2020

    @superman38NC I'll have to check it out. I've been wanting to try vaping them that way rather than with oils.

    I got some from medmama that are good but too big of a hit and it's over for me lol.

    Oh yeah, what do you do with the material when it's done being vaporized? Is it still usable into something else? Could you decarb it and use for edibles? Also, how long does a bud last for vaporizing? Totally new on this form, hence the million questions.

  • I normally crumble it up and toss it’s like a brown powdery wafer..I believe it would already be decarbed once you’ve vaped it thoroughly?

    I bought a couple attachments and sorts I can tell you about if you decide to get one..I normally use about 1-2 grams a day..which is equivalent to 4-6 sessions..

  • Yeah I would definately be interested. My usage is quite a bit less though than 1g/day though.

  • edited April 2020

    I have a Vaporbrothers hands free and it's great. Not portable though. You do not waste as much as when burning. All I can say is that it's a learning process that you'll figure out within a few weeks.

  • I have a pax 2 and I have found I can only vape flower because when I did vape the liquids for a small time, my lungs hurt. I coughed so much that sometimes couldn’t enjoy the high because I felt so sick afterwards.

  • @TutorGirl that's the same way I get too sometimes. The vapes aren't bad so far, but I'm not trying to take a huge rip either. I really want to get a pax 2 or 3 but haven't decided yet.

  • edited April 2020

    The best thing about dry vaping is that you can't take too big of a hit. I don't think I've ever coughed doing it.

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