Happy Trees I was not familiar with your game
I ordered a 4 way split of Frosted Flakes, Super Boof, Triple OG, and The Soap.
You do not need pictures from me because they look exactly the same they look on the website. I am seriously not joking. This is one the most consistently well rounded package of weed I ever received from here. Not only that but your shipping is incredible which makes it EVEN better. Back in the day we used to go to Loud n Co for the REALLY good stuff but had to sacrifice shipping times. Which btw is no shot to Loud by any means because they still have the best stuff on here.
Super Boof smells delicious like cherries and fruit kind’ve of smell. The hit will take your head off and the after taste is the taste you have when you know you are smoking good stuff. Beautiful hit and a great rush of the high.
Triple OG is another BOMB when you take a hit that one will have you feeling REALLY stoned off your first hit and you might just sit there staring away and forget that you still have half greens in your bowl.
The Soap and Frosted Flakes to me have similar effects the Frosted Flakes DOES IN FACT smell like frosted flakes so thats cool. The Soap was funny because when I opener my mail box my mail box actually smelled dank which was interesting. Well it was because the Soap was not put in a separate sealing bag so the smell was coming out a little bit. So whenever I opened the bag my room exploded with that smell. I smoke all the time so most highs feel the same for me, but these were PREMIUM bake sessions and that is definitely premium weed at a discount. I suggest everyone to order the absolute shit out of that stuff before it goes. I think the best high out of all of them was Triple OG. Thank you Happy Trees you guys just got a repeat customer.
I hearya @BMan! All of HT's Indoor that I've had so far have been bangin' and two more strains to try on the way. I wonder if HT will get more Premiums, the previous White Chocolate Chip was just next level.
BMan happy trees has gotten a really good grower and all the stuff this guy does is freaking loud and proud. i have all you just tried and just got dantes fire and its awesome to
@HappyTrees is there any relation between your current indoor White Chocolate Chip and your previous premium White Chocolate Chip? 🤔
@Jaybird922 Yup same strain same grower. I'm not sure if it's from the same batch that he sold as premium last time and he has too much of it and is now selling it as indoor to get rid of it faster or if this is just a different batch. It looks a bit different for the last bag we picked up not exactly premium quality but it still looks like really good in's.
Ok then, ordered some WCC earlier today 👍. Thanks HT!
Just received indoor spiritz and indoor blue magoo. Excited to try. Starting to get a nice collection again finally. Probably have 20 different strains 2-7 grams of each....