Can you eat the Medmama Vape Distillate without cooking it?

Can i get high from eating the medmama distillate without cooking it? Im waiting for an empty cartridge to come in the mail and have no way to get high at the moment.

Ive read mixed things, supposedly the THC is already activated so it should work but im not sure if it’s safe for me to ingest the other things in the terpenes etc.


  • @wcj8810 You can eat it without heating it, the thc is already activated so there's no decarb step here.

    Honestly, the distillate tastes really bad if you try to eat it right out of the syringe. Also, there's no good way to measure out your dose unless you have a way to either weigh it up or measure it. A too large of dose could warrant you more negative effects than you want.

    You could try to rig something up and dab it too.

    There might be some videos out there showing how to rig something up.

  • Is it safe to eat though? It's CO2 distillate so not 100% pure, it has like 10% terpenes.

    I don't have a dabbing rig, or even a torch.

  • Eh not sure. Which ones did you get? The one's I've gotten don't say anything about the terpene percent.

    I made gummies out of mine without any issues. I would say if you're eating a small amount, you won't get the full amount of terpenes from it.

  • This one is Strawnana.

  • It's safe, but I don't expect you'd get much medical effect from it.

  • Ok, thanks

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