Order from medmama arrived...
The blueberry muffin looks good it's definitely bud (i haven't tried it yet) has a real nice smell and is covered in tri comes. its for sure actual thc tho. However either the purple kush is low quality or they accidentally sent me CBD instead of actual purple... This does not look anything like the picture... I smoked 3 bowls and I literally feel a small buz like when i used to smoke cbd. The taste and smell is like CBD too. I know the difference between CBD and THC... this purp is way more like the balance CBD i smoked in the past. I can upload pictures too. Im not looking for a replacement. Im disappointed is all.
i let medboy know. I'm not asking for a refund or a replacement what's done is done but im almost positive this isn't the purple kush i ordered. The package does say purple kush but the bud looks nothing like the pic. I know CBD this is cbd looking and the buzz is similar too.
I probably wont order off medmama again. This with the fact they never sent me freebies with either of my orders makes me sketched that they got something against me. This purp is really bad if its even purp. id bet on it being cbd Im going to upload a pic

"premium" maybe not. It does look like purple kush.. I'm sorry it's not working for you. (Not a purp fan)
@MizterNiceGuy i could be wrong but that's my hunch. its all good things happen I still appreciate medmama does for us all at least I get a small buzz off of it lol
Oh no, I ordered purple kush 😔 I’ll be really disappointed if it’s not like the description.
I will say this though. I had also ordered blueberry muffin and i just smoked one bong rip and its fiire. Its really good stuff. the purple kush is definitely lack luster
I changed my mind, blueberry muffin is not good, its great.
@maryjanelover11 Not gonna lie, ya had us in the first half there.
I thought you didn’t care about the freebies? Something about you aren’t gonna beg for free stuff.
@Theboyua lol yeah thats right im not going to beg for free stuff but im definitely going to be vocal if the weed i paid my money. If this is about freebies to you then you missed the whole point. I admitted I could be wrong. Maybe i just have a high tolerance even though that blueberry muffin koed me for hours its really great stuff definetly premium. the purp is not what i expected is all. Sorry for wasting everyone's time. Have a good one yall stay safe and enjoy the medicine
check blueberry muffin out
That looks like the bomb
Good size for a 1/8th
@maryjanelover11 just givin you some shit bro
we all friends here. Hate that about the purple kush. But that blueberry is the bomb. I got an eighth in this week. Your pics are awesome. I couldn’t pull up the PK pic though. Prob my shit phone.
@Theboyua they got deleted ill re upload them. and yeah my bad bro i wasnt tryna be confrantational
these are the purple kush pics
@Theboyua @Tac @pieman @cancerwarrior
I reuploaded the pics of the purple kush
@maryjanelover11 if you use the image button instead of the url button, the pics will show up right here and we don't have to click on individual links.
@Sixwaychili I tried that but it didn't work. How do i use it? When i click the button some random symbols appear in the chat box
I ordered the Thursday before this one and still haven’t received anything, it’s been in transit for 6 days in informed delivery, it’s frustrating to say the least, but at least I know it will arrive eventually
@liarliar03 it sure will friend
I hope I didn't come off as ungrateful. I got paranoid is all. I will definetly order again from medmama as soon as my order from loud arrives. Thanks to the whole MM crew for everything