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  • Still waiting on my order. Showed it finally left CA yesterday and hasn't been updated since. Says it'll be here tomorrow but I won't hold my breath with the way usps has been lately.
  • Thanks for the update @medboy!
  • Dealing with the same delay. Ordered early Friday morning from Merlin but still no label. Kinda shocked cause Merlin is usually super fast. I'm sure they're slammed with orders though. Hope everyone else's shows up soon!
  • Just noticed the comments regarding the weird usps label situation. I am currently dealing with something similar. Placed an order with @MerlinsMagic last Wed and Thurs informed showed 2 labels with no location. Then those disappeared and a label ca…
  • Thanks so much for the info @Rubygirl816 ! Thank you as well @MerlinsMagic , Just placed an order with you for your refills. Can't wait to try it out! Take care yall 🙂
  • Urineluck.com Quickfix has been my go-to for years. Always pass no matter the test. Using synthetic urine elimates you from having to go through the side effects of a detox. Shipping usually takes about 3 days. If you don't want to wait you can fin…
  • Seems to be working now
  • Still having the same issue as well. I'm sure @medboy @medman will have it fixed soon.
  • @MoonMan5, I completely understand where you're coming from. It's such a shame it has come to this. I have even had orders never even show up on ID and they still showed up in my mailbox. It's starting to seem like an expected 2 week delivery for Lo…
  • @MoonMan5 The order I placed last Wednesday seems to finally moving. Also saw that my order placed Sunday finally had a label created this evening. Just crazy how long it's taking the usps hub in Loud's neck of the woods.
  • Quick update, my order from last Wednesday finally updated to being shipped and expected by Monday. Hope everyone else's updates soon.
  • My Loud order placed last Wednesday is STILL showing to be in pre-shipment. I placed a second order on Sunday through Loud and haven't even seen a label created yet. I'm not too picky when it comes to cannabis but I have always seemed to like Loud's…
  • So confusing sometimes haha. I ordered something totally not related to here on the same day, around the same time, shipped from the same location as loud and that package came in today. Crazy.
  • In the same boat as you all as well, ordered from Loud Wednesday morning and the package has been sitting in "pre-shipment/label created" staus since Sunday. Last couple of orders from Loud took at least 10 to 12 days to get here. Was really hoping …
  • I feel the frustration @907ak420.. I usually receive my orders within 6 days, 7 tops. My last order was around Christmas time so the wait that time was understandable. This order is the longest I've had to wait ever. Usps has been absolutely horribl…
  • Nothing again today @LoudnCo 😪 Had to send the dreaded "Where's my package?" message haha. Never gone through this before with you all in all the years I've been an customer. Hopefully it will get squared away as I'm just about out of my medication …
  • Still nothing today @LoudnCo, hopefully tomorrow. If nothing tomorrow, it will be the 10 business day mark and I guess I'll have to send the infamous "Where's my package?" 😄
  • Thank you so much for the update @LoudnCo! You all are awesome. Just hearing directly from you definitely helps 😁
  • I placed an order on Wed from Loud and usually I get my order no later than 7 days but usps in my area has been horrible. Was hoping to have my order by today but its now looking more like next week. Good thing I stocked up before the Holidays. Hope…
  • Just received my shipment of CK. Definitely worth the order, if you do not mind it being a little dry. Buds are very nice size for this being discounted. Smell took me back to my high school days.
  • Bitcoin payment sent still showing pending an hour later, which is rare ... really hoping it's just bitcoin being slow tonight.
  • Just placed an order about 30 mins ago, hope all goes through ok...
  • Thanks for the update Medboy. No matter the hiccup, you all pull through.
  • Thank y'all for the info! I too like mine dry so I will definitely be jumping on it, if still available.
  • Thinking about placing an order for this if nothing else is added when the site is back up. Almost ordered last night but decided to give it another day in hopes of new inventory. From other reviews I have read on here it's worth it even though it'…
  • Really hoping there is more coming very soon. Didn't have the funds during the Green Friday deal and now when I have the funds everything is gone.
  • Sorry you had to go through that JC. Has anyone tried the Pink Champagne from Loud? Was thinking of placing an order for it today but don't want to run into the same quality issue.
  • Just received my GDP today, everyone is right. This is indeed some amazing medicine. Loud never disappoints.
  • Thanks for the review, I am currently waiting for my GDP to come in. Ordered on Tues, hoping it's here by Mon. I currently have Bubba's Gift as well so this review was perfect, thank you for sharing.
  • Yes always specify that I want a freebie joint. They always send one except for the last two orders.