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  • Everything will be caught up today and I have extra help for the Holiday Sale. I'm looking forward to getting everything back on track, quick and quality.
  • There has been some turnover in my staff as we changed the office. It is regrettable about the delays and quality issues in the last month as we've gotten situated. I understand if you don't want to order from me anymore, but please a formal compla…
  • Thanks, will start doing this with new product.
    in Medboy Comment by medmama December 2019
  • Apologies about the delays, we moved our office and are getting settled in again. I know what it's like to be missing the medicine, and am doing my best get things squared away and solid again. I'm actually surprised about the extra long delays, and…
  • Thanks for the feedback, I apologize for the lowered quality and want to make it right. Please write Medboy specifically if you got trim and shake and I'll replace your bunk order. I had some new help with packaging and they must have sent the botto…
  • We just got a 6 kinds of crumble in today that our exactly what you were asking for! We got Gelato, Lemon Gelato, Purple Diesel, Blueberry Diesel, Banana Punch, and Sour Patch Kids! I'm going to post them later today with a bunch of new flower too!