As the Mac

Just oderd the Mac . For the ones that have tried it how is it does. it hit on sativa side never tried it before


  • It’s the perfect weed, if I haven’t had ordered it the last two times it was up I would get it again. Sativaish definitely

  • It's one of the top 2 I've gotten from loud. Very good

  • I ordered a split half of this and dolato. I had it as an indoor already and it was great, so I’m assuming this will be better since it’s premium?

  • As much as I would love to keep it at indoor prices, I was surprised when I tried it that they didn't list it as premium. Maybe they thought the same thing lol.

  • I just pulled the trigger on it. Still wish I could get my oz I ordered over 2 weeks ago lol

  • @WDEgkj You should probably contact medboy or something unless you see that it shipped

  • I’ve talked to him and think we got it figured out. I hope so anyway cuz I’m ready to smoke some really good instead of what’s around here and that’s not much lol.

  • @BMan and nothing ever shows up on ID that I order from here. I’ve never seen a label or movement. I just wait like a kid at Christmas

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