Small outdoor moonrocks (pic)
I received these yesterday. Bag appeal 3/10 I know it said small but these are small like pea sized to cocoa puff size. Potency 7/10 they smoke pretty good and has some long legs very indica I think. They have a very generous amount of kief. They are definitely worth the price I would buy again. Also a little dry.
Ps I'm always so stoned when I post on here sorry for the poor quality review.
Smaller is better with moon rocks. More kief oil to bud ratio. Looks who cares. Might get some next go round. Was waiting for reviews. Thanks.
@SpongePail yeah size doesn't matter much lol but you are kind of dissapointed when you first see it but the dissapointment goesfades away after you try it. Know what I'm saying.
I have a zip of these coming I hope. I wanted something strong. Looks like good smalls to me. 7/10 potency compared to normal weed or other moonrock you have tried?
@theunleet just normal weed they arent going to blow your head off but it's a good buzz
I can’t believe I missed that, once it’s back up going to get at least a half to a zip
Cool. Maybe it will be strong for me. You would think adding distillates AND kief would make it stronger....
I got mine Not a Drop of oil Crap Dry to the bone Weak Flower Rolled in Crap Kief pulverized Stems ? Very Green Didn't even catch a Buzz burnt quick as Fuck Not a True Moonrock IMO.
Yeah they were real dry I put a wet q tip helped alot
@medboy @medman Experienced the same thing guys. Tried them for the first time since I got and no oil, very dry bud with nothing inside. My thoughts are they used maybe a little oil to coat low-quality buds with keif but it burns to straight ash when lit. I was able to grind in my grinder since there was no oil to at least try to get some use from it. Smh thinks its time to drop Moonrocks from the menu.
Same I've tried it only 8th ..really dry burned like wildfire. Headache not a good taste on it either , was gona get 4zips glad I didn't
I'm Fucking Pissed this IS HOT GARBAGE !
If you have an issue with a product, make sure you contact me through the webform on the site. I'm always here to help! The forum is not the place though.
I had a zip of the smalls. Very Dry buds, very green pulverized "kief" stems. If there was oil, where was it? Very little buzz at all. LOTS of headaches from this stuff... I paid money so I smoked it. Smoked it so quickly because hardly any effect trying to get a buzz
. Now I am really about out and MedMammas stock is low -_-. Maybe I will contact?
Already contacted. Did not mean to complain. Never had to contact before.
So is this only for positive reviews then? I don't see why we have a forum for us customers that spend very good money and can't say anything unless it's about how great the service is. My last order that arrived yesterday is fire. My order before that not so much (happened to be the largest order I've done) I for one am happy about honest reviews. Here's a tip for noobs, if it's a short description and you ask a ? About a certain products quality and don't get a response; the silence is the answer. I love the service and what y'all do but I can't see why less than positive reviews send everyone over the top. Think about it from a business standpoint. If your selling pre rolls with oil or rocks, your gonna put boof ass weed in them. All the shake that falls to the floor from the mechanical trimmer I imagine. Send the boof to the Midwest, they don't know no better. I'm all over the place in this post but it's annoying have to walk on ice on a review. Also right on the website it says we have a forum for reviews On a positive note that mendo breath and cali orange are fire AF. Breaks up nice smokes nice.
received mystery box that was a reship for the discount moonrocks. Was not expecting it. The label says exactly what I requested... "Anything, No 1:1"(I assume not CBD), have not opened vacuum pack yet to inspect, will get a picture and review of whatever this mystery strain is. I received Master Kush same day and that smell is overwhelming anything else right now.