More shrooms or shroom candy please!

Hi @medman @medboy @medmama. Will you be getting more shrooms or shroom candy in stock? I had planned on ordering more of each, but they both sold out so fast. I hope you will continue to carry them and it’s not just a one-time thing. Please! I would also really like to see some other substances, too! Thank you!


  • @dennyt I'm with ya. I hope @medman @medmama get them back on the menu as almost every review i have seen so far is positive. Shroom crops only take a few weeks so i think they are so awesome to see them thanks to MM

  • Got a quarter of thaj mahal, did 2.3. Grams , made into tea, was perfect dose for me real good high, not too over the top lasted hours, 2.5 grams would have been a serious trip, will do 2,5 grams, on peanut butter sandwich ground up

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