Max Potency
What's looking good on the menu for Merlin's right now, you think?
I'm talking about something that will really take you to the moon, a mind-numbing adventure but devoid of paranoia of course, just a shower of bliss and a profound depth of meditation. Something that makes you say "Yep. This is definitely the highest I've ever been." One of those moments.
I've been gifted with a greenhouse strain "Biscotti" and a J and those are just terpene-heavy more than THC in my own personal opinion, it's very subtle relative to others I've tried in the past but I'm not complaining because maybe now I know to get either indoor and premium if I really want to feel it, but what is looking good? Euphoric psychedelic effects/ arousal welcome.. thanks!
Do you vape or combust?
The moonrocks from Merlin are the same price as premium. I'd have to imagine they would be pretty, pretty potent.
Try the PB Souffle. Always been a banger for me.