Possibilities of a Vape Order split
Just wanted to inquire whether it’s possible to order vape carts, or disposable vapes, and split the order between different strains? For example, if i order 4 1 gram vape carts, or 4 disposable vapes, from the same farm, can i split them 2 of one strain and 2 of another? Or even if i wanted 3 different strains or even all 4 vapes a different strain, is that something you ever do? Its ok if u don't, I'm just asking so I know for future reference what u can, and can’t, do. Im going to be placing a vape order soon and was just wondering what my options were, and if there was any possibility of flexibility when it comes to picking different strains for a single order, even if just splitting between two strains at the very least, so i can get a daytime and nighttime strain……
Depends upon their supply, but they usually can/do. @Helensrz
Yes, you can ask for a split in the comments section of your order.
Just add: "Plz Split Vapes- (2)Strain Name (2)Strain Name"
You can ask for whatever kind of split you like, even 4 different kinds, the shippers will always honor splits IF they can.
Sweet! Thank you so much for the info
Different strains for the same type are no problem to split, thanks MB for the great info