Will there be a holiday discount code for December?
Hey medboy, I know your still dealing with the Thanksgiving holiday code and outstanding orders. But you had mentioned in another thread a couple of weeks ago that there was gonna to be another holiday code in December. I was curious as to when that will be ? a week , two weeks ? just curious was wanting to place an order and didn't wanna place an order and then two days later or a day later have a discount code and miss out like some people did on the Thanksgiving code. Thanks !!
Yes there will be one! I'm going to announce it and turn on the code in about a week. Don't know the exact timing yet because I have to coordinate that with MM.
That's awesome thank you!
I hope the code is released by the 11th. My check comes in then and I want to do some Christmas shopping. ;-)
You're in luck, because MM instructed me to turn on the code the morning of the 15th.