How to Get Your Orders a Little Bit Faster

edited April 2024 in General

Our order process goes like this: At about 9:30am PST (except Saturday) I gather all the orders together and create the shipping sheets for the day. These are then sent to the shippers and usually the orders will go out in the mail either that day or the day after. So if you are getting your order in before this cut off time it will often go out to the same day. If you put it in at 9:40am there will be at least an extra day wait because it won't go out till the next days sheets. This is even more if you order on Fridays as there is no Saturday sheet and there is no mail on Sundays (though it may be dropped in box on Sundays). Hope that helps you to time your orders for faster delivery!


  • edited April 2024

    To clarify this is 9:30am PST so 12:30pm on the east coast or just adjust to your time.

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