Liquid LSD

OMG! i suffet from VERY severe cluster headaches, i was at the end of my rope every pharma script the DR would give me did absolutely nothing to either alleviate or lessen the severe pain in my head. I had known for several years after suffering that psilocybin mushrooms worked pretty well for other people with Closter headaches well I knowing how severe mine were I wanted some pretty hard psychedelics from the start to see if it would kind of help so I took the dive and bought the liquid LSD from medicine man OMG it's been a week and a half and I have not had one episode or headache whereas before this I was having headaches every hour that would last anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half and every time I went to bed an hour after I went to bed I was awakened with severe painful headache that seems to be all gone now I just want to put a big shout out to Medicine Man and his assistant med boy for the service they offer otherwise people like me would have no Avenue for relief God bless you guys and keep up the great work youre doing. This is going to be a life changer forme๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘


  • Nice to hear!

  • Wow, I haven't heard about LSD supporting cluster headaches before, this is great news!!!

    I'm imagining part of your system relaxing with the vibes, would you agree @Spencer ?

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