"How Has This Site Changed Your Life? Share Your Stories Here!"

Hello Everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to express just how much this site means to me. It’s not just a place to purchase medical marijuana and other medications; it’s been a lifeline for me, my friends, and some of my family. Some of my friends have even been able to transition off SSRIs, thanks to the support and products offered here.

I know I’m not alone in feeling this way, and I’d love to ****hear from others who have had similar experiences. How has this site helped you? How has it made a difference in your life or the**** lives of those you care about?

*** Please join the conversation and share your stories. Let’s celebrate the positive impact this community has had on all of us! I think the devs deserve some positive feedback from us all!!

Some of the reasons why we should all be thankful:
1. We do not have to worry about losing our money here. (EVER)
2. The quality of products doesn't need an intro; they speak for themselves.
3. Not having to worry about things like 'fet' being in our products ordered is extremely nice. ( & not a blip on the radar)
4. Their customer service is like no other!
5. Need I go on? I could go on and on, but everyone gets the idea. **********Let's again bring some light where it is overdue!!!!!!!!!!!**********

Looking forward to hearing about your experiences.

Best regards,

( The name stands for {One in a Million}........ Get it right or pay the price. haha )


  • I’ve posted about this in the past, but I’ll share again. My wife and I was Having a really hard time getting along last year, like a really hard time. It was getting to the point I was starting to think about leaving her. Well, I ordered some mdma from here in November hoping we could have a least one night of getting along and we talked for about 6 hours about all of our issues with each other and we actually HEARD each other. After that night we have been getting along so much better and now we have maintenance “therapy” sessions every month to two months…depending on how we feel. Without this site I wouldn't have gotten mdma. I didn’t even know where to look, or had even considered it, so medicineman saved my marriage.

    edited August 15

    I was an alcoholic (Well still am but don't ever drink), had horrible social anxiety. Marijuana is my medicine now, no blackouts or arrests for drunken public disorders. Beyond that, I feel safe and grateful for everything medman has done. Helps out my physical ailments when I don't want to take pills.

    Honesty and transparency from MM too! Very solid folks and customer service is insanely amazing. I don't run into sketchy situations anymore. MM has made me love this magical medicine even more. Thank you so much for all you do for us, your compassion and quality of meds!! True compassionate care

    Oh and I was able to get edibles for a family member who is a two time cancer survivor and another who has such a horrible job, they can barely sleep. So thanks for helping out my loved ones as well!

  • edited August 18

    So glad that all of you have loved the site and the medicine we provide :smile: Wishing you all the best!

  • So nice to hear these stories! <3

  • Been huge change for the better all the way around and tryna help out others, gratefully appreciate being pointed in this direction and the hard work put in keeping things gong smoothly

  • I found this site in 2016 and it has been a life saver!!!!!! Even started experimenting with psychedelics which have helped with my spirituality and personal development. My only regret is not saving any bitcoin - I’d be mega rich by now!!!!

  • This is exactly why I made this post last week. I knew I wasn't alone. For me, besides, this site has single-handedly helped a few of my friends and family get off SSRI's. I truly believe it also helped some of my good friends stay clean. They had no idea what microdosing shrooms could do for you, if you're like my cousin and my good friend Dan, who were a little more hardcore with their past drug use, they've found great success with microdosing acid and MDMA. I think this is because they were past shrooms, and luckily this site even gives the hardcore types to other outlets. I would lose my mind, and so would many people I know, if they decided to shut down one day. It's a literal fear of mine and so many others.

  • Oh for sure, the gummies saved me mentally and physically during the lock down

  • Amazing to hear!!!
    On my end it’s allowed me to have space to focus on my spirituality and have time to homeschool my kids.

  • That's awesome everyone needs a goal and something to keep them pushing forward

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