Christmas Break

edited January 5 in General

Hey there everyone, I hope you all are having a marvelous holiday season! I just wanted to give a heads up on what dates the shippers are going to be taking off.

Happy Trees will be taking off from the 23rd of this month until the 2nd of January, if you were wanting to get an order in with them today will be the last day to place it.

Loud will be taking off from the 24th until the 4th of January. If you were wanting to get an order in with them tomorrow will be the last day to place it.

Merlin will be pretty much open for business all the way through the holidays, although I believe they are taking off the 24th and the 25th. I will also be around throughout all of Christmas break to answer any questions you have via email!

Merry Christmas from the whole Medicine Man team! :smile:


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