Christmas Break
Hey there everyone, I hope you all are having a marvelous holiday season! I just wanted to give a heads up on what dates the shippers are going to be taking off.
Happy Trees will be taking off from the 23rd of this month until the 2nd of January, if you were wanting to get an order in with them today will be the last day to place it.
Loud will be taking off from the 24th until the 4th of January. If you were wanting to get an order in with them tomorrow will be the last day to place it.
Merlin will be pretty much open for business all the way through the holidays, although I believe they are taking off the 24th and the 25th. I will also be around throughout all of Christmas break to answer any questions you have via email!
Merry Christmas from the whole Medicine Man team!
I hope the whole Medicine Man team has a safe and Merry Christmas and an ass dragging New Years.
It'll be another all-nighter. Again.
By 7am New Years Day you either feel like you could rule the world or like you've just been run over by a fucking truck. There's no in between.
Thanks guys for all you do for the community. Merry Christmas to you all and for the community, here’s wishing y’all very Merry Christmas and happy New Year’s.
~ Spicoli
Merry Christmas!! 🎄🎁
Quick little update, Merlin is taking the next few days off but will be available to order again on the 2nd.
And idea if the bubble hash will be back in anytime soon?
I ordered Friday, and my label went from Created to Delivered overnight to the exact same address LOL! Ah, US mail. Never change.
Hey Medboy, I sent you an email. Thanks! 😊
@OzBaxter Sent an email back to you
@Bmoreunique i see your request for more bubble hash
@MerlinsMagic if you’re taking requests, let’s get some more of the Badder on the books! They don’t last very long and would love to see some consistency with that style concentrate! But thank you for bringing us what you do!
@TheMad710Chemist Sure... easy to find but might take me a bit to get it here
@MerlinsMagic thank you so much!!! I’ll be looking out!
@MerlinsMagic im trying to hold out for my order for some badder! Let me know if you think I should wait or go ahead and order.
@TheMad710Chemist I probably just go ahead and place an order... Getting specific stuff sourced can take some time.