Announcing the 10% Flash Sale Extravaganza! (One week only!)
Hey everyone, I am pleased to announce that there will be a 10% flash sale. Brought to you by all of our lovely shippers, as well as the whole Medicine Man team. The sale is going to start up on Monday and will be going for one week!
All of Happy's Indoor is going to be 10% off.
All of Loud's Ultra Premium is going to be 10% off.
And last but not least, all of Merlin's Greenhouse bud will be 10% off.
Enjoy, and I hope you all have a wonderful February. Don't forget to buy that special someone some "flowers" for Valentines Day
Thanks for the discount! Order placed
@buds Glad you're enjoying it!
Quick update, Merlin is going to be putting their Greenhouse bud on sale for the remainder of the sale-- instead of the dabs.