Having trouble placing my first order

So after taking a crash course in bitcoin, i have tried to place an order twice, but my card has been declined when i try to purchase bitcoin. I downloaded bitcoin.com wallet on my phone and thats the app im using. First i was trying with my regular debit card, and it has been declined in the past many times when i try purchasing something online, due to their fraud protection. So i go and purchase a Visa prepaid gift card, and put over $200 on it, and then IT is declined too when i try to purchase bitcoin. I dont understand how a prepaid card can be declined. Is this normal? Is it due to this certain app im using, bitcoin.com wallet? I see the transaction goes thru a site called Moonpay. This is my first time dealing with bitcoin at all, i was clueless on how to do it, but i think i understand the basics. I hope there is a way to use this Visa prepaid card for bitcoin to order on here, or else gonna have to wait another month. Appreciate any help on what to do. Thank u


  • So I tried using my prepaid card on Coinbase and also Banxa thru the Bitpay app, which stated that they accept these types, but transaction was declined. Im very familiar with making purchases online, but having all kinds of trouble with this Bitcoin. Feeling old, lol. Anybody have a suggestion on where to try that will accept Visa prepaid gift card? Sorry for sounding so clueless.

  • use cash app it is the best and fastest once your on it takes less than 30 secs to place a order buy bitcoin and send

  • Hey there @DB800 I would recommend first off making sure that your prepaid gift card is valid and can be used. You could try making a small purchase with it maybe on amazon or something, or contact the customer service of the card provider. As long as it's valid then you should be able to link it to your cashapp account and purchase bitcoin with it there like @cmweems1964 suggested.

  • Well, after trying several different apps, and a few atms, i was able to finally purchase bitcoin with cash thru cash2bitcoin atm. Hallelujah!!😁 I spent $220 on it. I placed an order for couple of things from Merlins Magic. Hoping it went thru and everything works out. Think i got it down now. Who say u cant teach an old dog new cryptocurrency tricks after a week of learning?😂

  • Cash app and Bitcoin ATM work but can have a high fee included or spread but sometime you can find coupons to save on the fees

  • @DB800 Glad you got it figured out :smile:

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