Easy way to use bitcoins
I used to go the Wells Fargo route but I also started getting "looks" and "delays" and was probably 'flagged' and didn't even know it but now I use Cash App right from my phone and I can transfer money into my account, buy bitcoins, place them in my own, personal wallet, and send bitcoins to another wallet address, all from my recliner in less than 5 minutes. I pay approximately $3 on about $200 worth of bitcoin. I consider the 3 dollars well worth not having the hassle of dealing with a bank, verifying ID's and taking pics. Get Cash App. It's the way to go.
I agree, it’s pretty painless. You can skip the first step (money transfer) now. They combined this step with the coin buy and even calculate your fees so you get the full amount you need.
I keep kosher with my phone and money. No mixing. Not sure what that means or why...
I used to be a big computer desktop guy who said I’ll never use a laptop. Then I got a laptop and said I’ll never use a tablet. Then I got a tablet and said I’ll never use my phone for anything but calls and text. Now I use my phone for pretty much everything except ms office suite apps which are ridiculous on a phone.