Getting some cash from Uncle Sugar
Well, they keep saying that $1200 checks are going out soon, so I was wondering if anyone has special plans for the boost? Pay off bills, buy that something you have put off buying... what?
For sure, I will be ordering a little something something from MM. Maybe a lot more, I dunno. I expect to just sit on the majority of my check and spend it as needs be.
How about you?
Part will be for an order, the rest will be vehicle repair and bills.
I built up a pretty solid cash emergency fund for times like this over the years so not really pinned for cash right now, so I think my uncle sam money will go towards my long term stock portfolio and rest will go to medman! Premium mimosa is on my buy list!
Keep dreaming...
For most of us it will be June or July before we see a paper check.
...and I never get my refund, because of student loans, so a stimulus check is a slim chance (eventhough I pay/file income and property taxes).
They will start sending DD 2019 and 2018 below 75000 on 4-15. Gonna get some good from MM. Save some for a cruise when they let em sail again and save a few hunnys for later.
We're getting this money in order to keep the bills paid and food on the table for the month.
Usually this magic money ends up in the pockets of corporations.
I think there is more money coming our way too!
Priorities for everyone should be:
Screw credit card payments if you can't afford it.
As always making sure all the priorities of Life, as well as living is covered. The kids are grown and moving on. My dad days of raising 2 on my own are in a different light. Everyone is well. This home sweet staying home thing has been productive due to using this goodygood medicine is the down time to just get things I have put off , on. The money, as in this question, yes I plan to reinvest , in some capacity as long as this service is offered. MM has always delivered.
Come on come on stimulus check. See some people got it already. Damn wonder when mines coming. I use direct deposit. And about midrange income. Heres hoping its soon. Cheers to all that have received.
Supposedly, the first wave of deposits went out yesterday or today...