The Pets Who Own Us
It seems that when we discuss our stoney pets we generally take over a post, so I decided to go ahead and make a post, so we can discuss them, and maybe share their pics here!
I'll go first with my big ol fluffy ragdoll, Dutchess whom I call Dutchy for short.
Perfect nickname for a stoner, no? Haha
I rescued her when she was a year and an half five years ago from an animal hoarding situation.
Poor baby weighed almost 20 lbs, and could hardly move around. Her owners thought completely declawing her was a great idea, so at her young age, and with all that weigh even though it wasn't THAT much, caused her to start with arthritis.
Anyway, she's down to 9lbs of fluff, and playfulness now!
I inherited my animals...
My dawg is a 9lb long hair Chihuahua/rat terrier... she's originally from the pound. My Mom rescued her and then when Mom died she became mine... she been all the way to China and back with me, has her own passport and everything.
My cat, a yellow tabby named D.C. for Dylans Cat sometimes Dumb Cat, is about 19 years old. He was my brother's cat, then my brother died and his wife left, so the cat came home with me... I gave him away once, but he came back... so I guess I'm stuck with him.
I also have a three legged gray squirrel the lives in the tree in my front yard... not really a pet, but I feed him and I keep the cats away so I guess he's mine.
No wife, no kids, no visitors but my tiny house in the woods is full... of love.
I picked my dog up when it was just 6 weeks old in Houston from a couple selling him on Craigslist. His name's Ghost, full blooded Siberian Husky. I'll add a few pics of him here! Anyone else with Siberian Huskies? @MigraineWarrior79 Love this post!
@daCabbie You house in the woods sounds like paradise to me. I've always wanted a little place like that with the animals. I'm sorry for do much loss in your life. It does sound like you are surrounded by love!
@Brandon2k20 Your huskie is beautiful!! I want one one of these days, myself. I have a pic of myself and a gorgeous one I met about 5 yrs ago on vacation with my ex fiance, named Lobo. I wanted to steal that good boy so bad, and bring him home. Haha
I'm so glad I made a good post!
My pack is 3 pups and a scrawny cat. All rescues. Treeing Walker Coonhound, Aussie Border mutt mix, Golden Shepherd.
The Shepherd, Gabby, is my most recent pup and my oldest at 10 this December. Her owner, my current Wife’s brother, died of cancer. Only had her 2 years but she’s my #1 pup. My 2 boys are younger and get along great together and can keep each other in trouble just fine without me but Gabby and I have become inseparable. It’s a strong bond, I’ll be a wreck when she goes.
@funkynugz when I see Jasper he reminded me of my dog Jet when I was a kid 😓
@suchacutie89 he's a handful, was found tangled in a barbed wire ranch fence during an Ohio snowstorm. Believed to be a failed hunting dog abandoned by his pack. I lovingly nicknamed him my “little project” cuz he has so many emotional issues from PTSD 🥰
@funkynugz Precious pack you have!
@MigraineWarrior79 thanks. If I had more room and more money I’d adopt 3 more. Pups are a lot of work and medical expenses add up. I solved my Jones by volunteering at a local rescue for 2 years. Plenty of pups to fill the gaps
@funkynugz that's an awesome thing you're doing! And all that love you're getting in return. Truly amazing
@MigraineWarrior79 yeah. Sadly the pandemic has put all the loveliness on hold. The shelter is reopened but I'm high-risk healthwise so am sitting it out for a while 😔 It’s got a lot of stress that goes along with it too.
@MigraineWarrior79 Are you talking about....Me!? I just got off of work, I'll come back to this one!!!!
@G1zm0 I'm was talking about myself actually because when I meet another kitty person, that's it, we're talking about our babies! Haha
@MigraineWarrior79 We can't help it! 😸 Well, Here's Kilo. He's about 5 years old. He is one of two of my furbabie's! 🐾

Besides my 3 cats, I have a cat colony that I've taken care of for about 3 years. Got them all fixed too. They mostly hang out in my backyard and they have winter shelters. I live in between 2 restaurants so they really appreciate them keeping mice and rats out.
@greatspirit You should see the "Cat colony" Next door to me. Their's even s nice sized shed that has been turned into their personal house. They even have heat during the winter.
I just wanna pet and love on all these babies!
Yall are wonderful for caring for these kitties, and seriously if I can help donate through PayPal for food, or whatever yall need, let a girl know.
@MigraineWarrior79 just a reminder to please keep anonymous on this board. Paypalling someone on here is not recommended! Love your big heart for the animals though.
@medman My bad, I wasn't thinking about that
I saw you mention fur baby in a comment in another thread, so I wanted to tag you here, so you can see all the other furbabies from the forum!
And if you have some of your own, you can share with us too.
I have a pet pot belly pig, Snoopy.
@MigraineWarrior79 thanks so much, I have A LOT of fur babies. I’m what you call a foster failure, lol
Not sure how to upload pics on here
@Rubygirl816 yeah I never understood how people can "foster" pets. I feel like I would get too attached and then when the time for me to give them up came, id just be like "na, I think ill just keep them"
@NOLA504 I'd LOVE to see Snoopy!
@Rubygirl816 I'd so be a 'foster failure' as well. I love animals too much to give them up, haha
@theunleet Your tabby reminds me of my other furbaby named, Genie!
Bumping the thread for our new forum members
Here's Snoopy
You can catch him in the stands for each Ole Miss home game this season as well...

Haha that’s awesome. I’ve always wanted a pet pig but my wife is against it
They make great pets. Very clean, house broken, smart, affectionate, and trainable.
That's so awesome!!!
Thanks so much for sharing!