Grape Ape & Wedding Cake Shatter
Just got these in and just like with the blueberry zkittles and purple headband shatter it's more of a waxy consistency but will say more after I try later
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Just got these in and just like with the blueberry zkittles and purple headband shatter it's more of a waxy consistency but will say more after I try later
I did too 🤞🏻 @MoonMan5
@MoonMan5 @Rubygirl816 I'm smoking the grape ape right now its sweet and burns consistent. I picked it bc it was more of a shatter than the wedding cake. but over all so far you guys wont be let down. im not really good at explaining things so ask if theres anything else I didnt cover homies
@MoonMan5 yes I ordered both that was my last order and the consistency is almost the exact same besides these are a bit darker and I give the grape ape a 5/10 and wedding cake a 6/10 so far if you tried the others you've tried these basically
@MoonMan5 sunday and had label made yesterday
Actually yes for Milpitas, no movement yet, hopefully tonight. @MoonMan5
That makes me sad to hear @Zackarrry. I should learn my lesson and just stick to bud from now on, lol
Love my new puffco though so keep hoping doe the best
hey man, yall dont lose hope.. i have gotten things before that others weren't too fond of, that i ended up really liking.
everyone's different! lol
just trying to bring some positivity . maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised! and.... i thought the purple headband and blueberry shatters were good?!?! i was almost gonna order a little of those2 bc i remembered ppl saying they were really good.
i'm always scared to buy concentrates bc i don't wanna get any weird solvent type shit that tastes like rubber or something . . . i do like shatter and wax etc; i prefer the ones that are real terp heavy and have a real nice gassy, slightly fruity diesel profile . i'm always just scared so that's why i only order the small add-ons LOL
lemme know how yall like them when they come in!!
i'm still saving up a little cash and waiting for one of my fav flowers to drop so i can get an Oz or 2. i always end up scraping for a half or a quarter and then disappointed (esp. if it's a real stunner or a fav like Sunset Sherbet or something ) so this time i'm gonna be prepared !!! lol. but i do wanna try some of these new shatters tho, their concentrate game is wacky crazy good
@v32Finish your right! To each his own. My hubby likes some things I don’t and vice versa. I’ll keep an open mind about them for sure. And what I wouldn’t give to have some sunset sherbet show up, lol!!
nice. hell yeah. i haven't used the bigger puffco but i love my plus. thanks for letting me know what's up when it comes man @MoonMan5
@Rubygirl816 yeah.. would flip out for sure if that happened!
Sunset sherbet up @v32Finish go get it!
LOL i just came to this thread to tell you the same!!! LOLOL thank you @Rubygirl816 that is crazy dude!!! ESP much
i can't believe that dropped literally right when we said that.
I wish i was able to get more, but luckily was able to jump on a quarter.. i'm hoping if it's still up in a few days, i might be able to put in an order for a little more bc last time I REALLY missed out by only getting an 8th of that stunning batch and it was to this day the best bud i've received from here 
just glad it's back, now Dolato's turn again
@v32Finish I just placed an order yesterday, of course not knowing this was going to happen, but moved some things around so I could order a half of it. The hell with electric, lol, kidding. Can’t wait 🤗
LOL i know what you mean, i've had to do the same before. always crazy when you order something and then something really good drops right after.. lol .. i've been telling myself that i'm gonna put aside a nice chunk & save up and wait until one of my top2 or 3 comes and then just buy a larger amount.. but, haven't quite done it yet
You will be happy you did @MoonMan5 !
How's the grape ape, got that and purple headband on way, kinda surprised isn't already here but thankful still got blueberry zskittles amongst other things to tide me over, those puffco look nice and hope to get something similar eventually but grabbed a silikit yesterday just for something discreet can pack away and not worry bout smells when not in use but actually works surprisingly well, I was friggin ripped between couple dabs and couple pulls off bong
Grape ape grape ape.
Well that did not work.....
The great grape ape show. Anyone else rem. If not look it up lol.
Peperidge farm remembers 😂
Yep @MoonMan5
Should have been here today, but made it to local PO too late
@MoonMan5 have you tried the live resin gelato?
Got my grape ape and purp headband today hadn't really had chance for scientific experiment but they look and smell yummy although softer consistency than other shatter I've gotten
Anyone try the citrus snap or whatever it is snagged some that since had already tried others sounded interesting
Didn't grab any wedding cake seen too much locally and just beat on it for time being but been using more grape ape than head band at the moment and got decent effects but I'll figure something out
Me too @MoonMan5, weren’t very strong at all, well at least the grape ape. Haven’t tried the wedding cake yet
Definitely more of a wax consistency. I only got a half added on to the order not too worried about it.
mine was 4g split
and it gets the job done but come down pretty quickly so have to constantly dab bc I'm out of flower until these next shipments come in
put it like this only thing I'll buy from MM from now on is diamonds live resin terp saudek
I would probably order even more from loud than I do if I could depend on their hub getting stuff out promptly but seems like when I'm low and need quickly ma hub gets stuff out and on way faster soo then I end up having to weight options on where I want something closer to on time or closer to exactly what I ordered which sucks when comes to flower and shatter
The purple headband is the same consistency as you all are describing. Its like a wax best way I can describe it. It burns clean on the quartz banger and taste isn’t bad. The potency isn’t like the diamonds or terp sauce but on the other hand its little cheaper.