Hi! I am new!



  • Welcome! Best chats ever!

  • Welcome @MrMac I'm happy you've found a home and no doubt you'll find very helpful friends on the forum. JUMP IN WITH BOTH FEET on the forum everyone's opinion is definitely welcome..well until our mad carpet bomber makes their quarterly attack in a month or so lol.

  • @MrMac Welcome to the family. It took me years to start using this message board. Now, I regret not taking the time. There is so much experience in here that I could have benefited from. Happy that you all joined the party. :smile:

    @phantom_shitter That is the cutest cartoon ever. I saw that as a child and forgot all about it.

  • Welcome to the forum! This is a great place…great members and excellent information!

  • @cancerwarrior I bet that you have an interesting story. Your name suggests that you survived cancer, is that accurate? Thank you for the welcome & nice meeting you. I've taken some of the drugs that cancer patients use. It was years ago when they gave men, women, and children the same dosage.

    I was not being smart when I ordered for a friend. He was in so much pain that I couldn't say no to him. He finally was able to get medical CBD from a doctor. It took him almost a year. I don't like his CBD. The taste alone causes me trouble. I am just happy that he has he own source now Like me, he can not take pain pills.

  • @MrMac
    We are happy that you joined the conversation.

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