The reason why the amount you can order is so low is due to the quantity we have, which is also unfortunately low-- we might be able to bump up the amount we sell at some point in the future. Glad you're enjoying them!
Got my 2nd bottle of Slurp Syrup today. IMHO its much tastier than the Tropical Punch. Hope they keep it coming. Good Shit!!! Sad to see it's off the menu
Also would like that option multi pack discount preferably but know don't always get what ya want
I personally cannot order any edibles except for Merlin's gumdrops because of the incredible price differences. 1000mg for $90 or 250mg for $50?
@Sixwaychili Ikr
The reason why the amount you can order is so low is due to the quantity we have, which is also unfortunately low-- we might be able to bump up the amount we sell at some point in the future. Glad you're enjoying them!
@HappyTrees I see Slurp is missing off the menu now. I really hope you get them back in stock. Love it! ๐๐ผ
Oh shit! I just put in an order for my 2nd bottle like 2 days ago. Hope I get it...
Got my 2nd bottle of Slurp Syrup today. IMHO its much tastier than the Tropical Punch. Hope they keep it coming. Good Shit!!! Sad to see it's off the menu
@HappyTrees Any chance of bringing this back?
@OzBaxter Yup it'll be back in a week or so along with everything else we used to have
@HappyTrees YAY!! Thank you!! ๐๐ผ
Thank you for bringing it back! Just ordered some. ๐๐ผ