Flavor Bomb Gummies

I ordered the Flavor Bomb Gummies from Loud & Co., unfortunately the gummies i usually buy from Merlin’s were out of stock at the time, so i thought Id give these a try. I got two bags, and they arrived last week, they are the 75mg ones, and they said to refrigerate on the package, so i did, luckily they weren’t too melted or anything just a little soft. Today when i go to get a gummy, one of the bags has mold all over the gummies, I can’t eat them like this, and ive never had gummies get moldy on me, i get Merlins Gummies all the time, and i dont even need to refrigerate those, and have never had them get moldy….has anyone else had this issue with these gummies? Is there anything i can do? Thats a whole bag of gummies gone to waste, im so sad 😞


  • @Helensrz I started putting my gummies in the freezer as soon as they arrive. Seems to keep a long time and no issues with potency imo

  • I wish i had thought of that, but the thought of molding never ever crossed my mind unfortunately, if i do ever purchase these again though, I will take your suggestions and put them in the freezer this time, although hopefully Merlin will keep theirs in stock, ive never ever had issues with their gummies and i have bought them every couple of months or so since they started carrying them, i always get four tins, and they last, unrefrigerated, until they run out, never any mold or any other issues for that matter. I just wonder if there is any way to get a replacement or something for the moldy bag, im happy to put it in the freezer now that i know thats an issue….also the weird thing is, one of the bags is fine, no molding at all, and the other one with the mold, it has quite a bit, it isnt even like just a little mold, its so weird, like it was a lot older or something….

  • Hey @Helensrz send me over an email and we can get something figured out for you. :smile:

  • Thank you! I appreciate it so much!! I went ahead and sent you an email with the info ☺️👍🏼💕

  • Regular gummies are back

  • Thanks @MerlinsMagic, I’ll probably be making a purchase today 💕🥰💕

  • @medboy I came here to post this exact thing. This is the first time I’ve tried the flavour bomb gummies. They were fine when they arrived but two days later they were full of mold.

  • @MerlinsMagic are the gum drops coming back again? I missed the 24th restock! 😞

  • @ModestG Email me with pictures please and I can see if I can get something figured out for you :smile:

    @MerlinsMagic They'll be back in stock very soon!

  • Btw, just fyi, wanted you guys to know that not only did they replace the moldy gummies, but they did it with lightning speed, and they send me an amazing free gift for my trouble, and not a little gift either, they went above and beyond!! Thank you so much Medman, medboy, Loud & Co and Merlin as well, because they also got their gummies back in stock super fast and i picked up my favorite gummies in tins as well 💕 Absolutely LOVE you guys, and thanks again Loud and Co, not only for making it right, and super fast, but for going way above and beyond to make up for the trouble, you guys rock!! 🤘🏼🙂‍↕️💕 Thank you all so much!💕

  • Hell ya that's how you handle a situation and keep people. Well played team!

  • This is exactly why i have been a customer for so long, they are fast, safe and honest, and have never let me down, i am a customer for life, or for as long as they exist, which i hope is a very long time 🥰👍🏼💕

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